This projects proposes a programming tool written in ANSI C+ for global optimization problems. The main components of the software are: a) Coding of the objective problem in a high level language such as ANSI C++ b) Incorporation of many global optimization techniques to tackle the objective problem c)Parameterization of global optimization methods using user-defined parameters.
- A C++ compiler (GNU GCC is recommended).
- The GNU make utility
- The OpenMP programming library
- The QT programming library.
The following steps are required in order to build the tool:
- Download and install the QT programming library from
- Download the software from
- Set the OPTIMUSPATH environment variable pointing at the installation directory of OPTIMUS e.g. OPTIMUSPATH=/home/user/OPTIMUS/
- Set the LD_LIBRAPY_PATH to include the OPTIMUS/lib subdirectory e.g. LD_LIBRAPY_PATH=$LD_LIBRAPY_PATH:$OPTIMUSPATH/lib/:
- Issue the command: cd $OPTIMUSPATH
- Execute the compilation script: ./ After the compilation the executable OptimusApp will be placed under bin subdirectory.
The software has the following subdirectories
- bin: After compilation of the package, it will contain the executable OptimusApp
- include: with the header files needed for compilation
- src: the subdirecotry containing the following functions
- Bfgs: the source code of the Bfgs optimization method
- De: the source code for the Differential Evolution optimization method
- DoubleGenetic: the source code of double precision genetic algorithm
- GCRS: the source code of the improved Controlled Random Search method
- IntegerGenetic: the source code of the Integer genetic algorithm
- iPso: the source code for the Improved Particle Swarm Optimization method
- MinCenter: the source code of the MinCenter global optimization method
- Minfinder: the source code of the MinFinder global optimization method
- Multistart: the source code of the Multistart global optimization method
- NeuralMinimizer: the source code of the NeuralMinimizer global optimization method
- Optimus: the base class for the implemented optimizers
- ParallelDe: the source code of the Parallel Differential Evolution method
- Tmlsl: the source code of the Topographical Multi Livel Single Linkage optimization method
- Pso: the source code of the Particle Swarm Optimization method
- lib: the directory holding the compiled optimization methods
- MANUAL: the Doxygen manual of the software
- doc: This directory contains the documentation of the package
- PROBLEMS: A directory that contains some test functions.
- The main compilation script.
An example for the implementation of the Rastrigin function has as follows:
extern "C" { void init(QJsonObject data) { } int getdimension() { return 2; } void getmargins(vector &x) { for(int i=0;i &x) { return (x[0]*x[0])+(x[1]*x[1])-cos(18.0*x[0])-cos(18.0*x[1]); } void granal(vector &x,vector &g) { g[0]=2.0*x[0]+18.0*sin(18.0*x[0]); g[1]=2.0*x[1]+18.0*sin(18.0*x[1]); } QJsonObject done(vector &x) { return QJsonObject(); } }
The implemented functions are:
void init(QJsonObject data). The function init() is called before the objective function is executed and its purpose is to pass parameters from the execution environment to the objective function.
int getDimension(), the dimension of the objective problem.
void getmargins(vector &x). The getmargins() functions returns in the vector x the bounds of the objective problem. The class Interval is a simple class located in the folder PROBLEMS of the distribution, that represents double precision intervals.
double funmin(vector &x). This function returns the objective problem f(x) for a given point x.
void granal(vector &x,vector &g). This functions stores in vector g the gradient f(x) for a given point x.
QJsonObject done(vector &x). This function is executed after the objective function optimization process is completed. The point x is the global minimum for the function f(x).
In order to build the objective function the user should create an accompaniment project file as shown below
TEMPLATE=lib interval.cpp HEADERS += interval.h
The software incorporates the utility qmake of the QT library to compile the objective function. The compilation is performed with the following series of commands in the terminal:
where stands for the name of the project file. The final outcome of this compilation will be the shared library
A full working command for the Rastrigin problem using the utility program OptimusApp is shown below
./OptimusApp --opt_method=Pso --pso_particles=100 --pso_generations=10 The parameters for the above command line are as follows:
The argument of --filename determines the objective problem in shared library format.
The argument of --opt_method sets the used global optimization procedure.
The argument of --pso_particles sets the number of particles of the PSO optimizer.
The argument of --pso_generations sets the maximum number of generations allowed.
The argument of --localsearch_method sets the used local optimization procedure. The output of the previous command is as follows:
Generation 1 value: -1.7464048
Generation 2 value: -1.8619942
Generation 3 value: -1.8852439
Generation 4 value: -1.9490074
Generation 5 value: -1.9490074
Generation 6 value: -1.9490074
Generation 7 value: -1.9490074
Generation 8 value: -1.9775267
Generation 9 value: -1.9972928
Generation 10 value: -1.9977027
Minimum: -2.0000000000 Function calls: 1028
Full documentation at manual