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Boilerplate for NodeJS Express Projects written in Typescript The purpose of this template repository is to fast track APIs development and reach to production ASAP. At most places except TSOA, there is very less use of external dependency injection or similar libraries to demonstrate how same thing can be achieved in vanilla code


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NodeJS Express Boilerplate

Boilerplate for NodeJS Express Projects written in Typescript

The purpose of this template repository is to fast track APIs development and reach to production ASAP.

At most places except TSOA, there is very less use of external dependency injection or similar libraries to demonstrate how same thing can be achieved in vanilla code. The advantage of this is more control on behavior of dependency injection.

It is designed keeping SOLID Principles and Loose Coupling in mind. It demonstrates use of Singleton (like db, auth etc), Factory(cache), Strategy(injecting dependency based on .env like DB_TYPE) design patterns at multiple places.


  • Controllers written using TSOA library
  • Controllers, Services, Middlewares, Entities, Error handlers all are pre-configured with standard best practices and follows SOLID Principles, loose coupled Architecture
  • Mongo Database with extensible database interface for other Databases implementation
  • Redis Persistent Queue with extensible interface for other Queues implementation
  • NodeCache and RedisCache support with extensible interface for other Cache implementation
  • Rust Web assembly boilerplate for compute intensive tasks
  • Worker pool for running compute intensive tasks in worker threads
  • Standard utilities for validation, email sender are available
  • Automatic Swagger generation - combined swagger is generated from swagger docs and tsoa generated swagger specs
  • Eslint and Prettier configured for Code quality checks
  • Husky configured to run pre commit git hooks to run code quality checks

Project Structure

  • src/index.ts This is entry point of project when we do npm start.
  • src/controllers This serves as entrypoint of different APIs
  • src/auth This contains extensible Auth interface and JWT Auth Implementation for that interface
  • src/middlewares This contains middlewares that are executed before reaching code flow to controllers
  • src/errors Custom error types
  • src/db This contains extensible Database interface and MongoDB implementation
  • src/models This contains model validation using mongoose schema. Mostly tsoa is capable of doing basic validation based on type but sometimes we need some conditional validation logic and we need custom validators.
  • src/configs This contains configuration files
  • src/entities This contains entity cum repository classes. Repository methods are implemented in Entities itself as static methods
  • src/services This is executed from controllers and contains main business logic for each API
  • src/types This contains types of different objects used across application
  • src/typings This extends express namespace for custom properties in request/response
  • src/utils This contains common utilities
  • src/workers This implements workerpool and worker tasks to execute in worker threads
  • src/p_queue This contains extensible Persistent Queue interface and Redis Pub/Sub implementation
  • src/cache This contains extensible application cache and Implementation of Node Cache and Redis Cache demonstrating factory pattern
  • src/__tests__ This contains unit and integration test cases
  • rust-wasm-libs This contains web assembly code for simple factorial example
  • keys This contains blank privateKey.pem and publicKey.pem used by JWT auth implementation. One needs to put actual RSA keys in those files before running the application or test cases.
  • Dockerfile To dockerize the application
  • Dockerfile.rust-wasm To dockerize the application with Rust and other dependencies if rust web assembly is used
  • swagger.json Generated from tsoa and Swagger comments in the code
  • .env This contains environment variables referred in the code
  • tsoa.json Configuration file for tsoa
  • tsconfig.json Configuration file for typescript
  • jest.config.ts Configuration file for Jest Test Runner


  1. NodeJs >= v22.12.0

Steps to run

Install npm modules:

npm install

Rust web assembly code is written in rust-wasm-libs directory. To compile wasm package Run:

npm run build-rust-wasm

If not using rust web assembly, remove rust-wasm-libs from package.json and run npm install again. Start application:

npm start

To Run with different env file (e.g. .env.local):

ENV_FILE=.env.local npm start

To run test cases:

ENV_FILE=.env.test npm run test

Dockerize the application

Only NodeJS without rust wasm:

docker build . -t <image-repo>/<image-tag> --platform linux/amd64

With rust wasm:

docker build . -f Dockerfile.rust-wasm -t <image-repo>/<image-tag> --platform linux/amd64

Using rust in app

To use src/workers/factorial.ts (rust wasm) - use following snippet into src/routes/app.ts

// Imports
import { createOrGetPool } from "../workers/workerPool.js";
import { Promise as WorkerPromise } from "workerpool";

// Wasm Route
app.get("/wasm/:n", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
 try {
  const factorial = await createOrGetPool({
   workerFileName: "factorial"
   .exec("factorial", [req.params.n])
  return res.OK(factorial.toString());
 } catch (err) {
  logger.error(`Error occurred in ${req.path}: %o`, err);
  if (err instanceof WorkerPromise.TimeoutError) {
   return res.BAD_REQUEST("Operation timeout because of large input. Try smaller input");
  return res.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR((err as Error).message);

Clean up rust wasm if not using

rm -rf rust-wasm-libs src/workers/factorial.ts Dockerfile.rust-wasm

Delete "rust-wasm-libs": "file:rust-wasm-libs/pkg" dependency and build-rust-wasm task from package.json file.


Boilerplate for NodeJS Express Projects written in Typescript The purpose of this template repository is to fast track APIs development and reach to production ASAP. At most places except TSOA, there is very less use of external dependency injection or similar libraries to demonstrate how same thing can be achieved in vanilla code




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