Resource factory built on top of AngularFire
Alpha release, feedback apreciated
Resource instances are extended firebaseObject, so you'll find everything you're used to with firebase object, plus
- createdAt / updatedAt timestamps
- hooks (beforeCreate, afterCreate, beforeSave, afterSave)
- a global instances map for each resource to ensure an instance is not retrieved 2 times from firebase
- associations (hasOne, hasMany, hasAndBelongsToMany returning respectively a firebaseObject instance or association collections)
AssociationCollection instances are extended firebaseArray, plus
- they are made of Resource instances
- they can preload their own instances associations
- they deal nicely with the firebase-util librairy for pagination & infinite scrolling work
bower install angularfire-resource --save
npm install angularfire-resource --save
Add the 'angularfire-resource' module as a dependency to your application module, and then define your model classes and their relations through the FireResource factory
angular.module('myApp', ['angularfire-resource'])
.factory('$firebase', function() {
return new Firebase('');
.factory('User', function(FireResource, $firebase) {
return FireResource($firebase.child('users'))
.hasOne('displayedConversation', {className: 'Conversation', inverseOf: false, foreignKey: 'displayedConversationId' })
.factory('Conversation', function(FireResource, $firebase) {
return FireResource($firebase.child('conversations'), function(){
// customize the way you store foreign keys to be able to sort your association collection
this.hasMany('messages', {storedAt: 'createdAtDesc' }, function(baseRef, init){
// use firebase util to handle the pagination
init(new Firebase.util.Scroll(baseRef, '$value')).$next(5);
// use hooks
this.createdAtDesc = -
.factory('Message', function(FireResource, $firebase) {
return FireResource($firebase.child('messages'), function(){
// define one sided association (ie here no message foreign key will be set into the user model)
this.hasOne('user', { inverseOf: false });
The above code will maintain a deserialized data model with duplicated foreign keys, to allow security enforcement and easy admin queries.
|_ users
| |_ userId1
| | |_ displayedConversationId: conversationId1
| | |_ conversations
| | |_ conversationId1: true
| |_ userId2
| |_ conversations
| |_ conversationId1: true
|_ conversations
| |_ conversationId1
| |_users
| | |_ userId1: true
| | |_ userId2: true
| |_ messages
| |_ messageId1: aCustomValue
| |_ messageId2: aCustomValue
|_ messages
|_ messageId1
| |_ userId: userId1
| |_ conversationId: conversationId1
|_ messageId2
|_ userId: userId2
|_ conversationId: conversationId1
And now you can write some clean controllers :-)
// Let's asume $currentUser is an instance of User retrieved from a resolve
.controller('ExamplesController', function($scope, User, Message, $currentUser){
// get a resource from its key
$scope.user = User.$find($currentUser.$id)
// each instance is retrieved only once from firebase, then synced thanks to the angularfire ObjectSyncManager
$scope.user === $currentUser
// get all instances of (will query on rootUrl/users )
$scope.allUsers = User.$query()
// get some instances, customizing the ref
$scope.someUsers = User.$query(function(baseRef, init){
init(new Firebase.util.Scroll(baseRef, 'presence')).$next(10)
// use $next and $prev functions to access the scroll instance of your custom ref (if firebase util is used)
$scope.loadMoreUsers = function(){
// get associated instances collection
$scope.conversations = $currentUser.$conversations()
// preload 2nd level associations
$scope.conversations = $currentUser.$conversations().$include('messages')
// Instanciate new model
$scope.newMessage = Message.$new()
$scope.saveMessage = function(){
angular.extend($scope.newMessage, { userId: $currentUser.$id });
// save a new instance by adding it to a collection
$scope.newMessage = Message.$new();
// do sequential operations
$scope.createConversationWith = function(user) {
// create an instance and add it into a collection
return $currentUser.$conversations().$create()
.then(function (conversation) {
// then add it to an other collection
To have a more in depth look over a practical case, check out the demo