docker compose pull
docker compose up --detach --remove-orphans
docker compose exec phpfpm composer install
Define default local settings:
cp config/services.local.yaml.dist config/services.local.yaml
Edit config/services.local.yaml
as needed (cf. Mocks).
Set up database:
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
Create super administrator:
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console user:create [email protected]
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console user:promote [email protected] ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console user:set-password [email protected]
Create administrator:
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console user:create [email protected]
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console user:promote [email protected] ROLE_ADMIN
Create user:
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console user:create [email protected]
Open the site:
open "http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080)"
docker compose exec phpfpm composer update-translations
# Open Danish translations in Poedit (
# Run `brew install poedit` to install Poedit.
open translations/messages+intl-icu.da.xlf
docker compose run --rm node yarn install
docker compose run --rm node yarn build
During development, use
docker compose run --rm node yarn watch
to watch for changes.
Load fixtures to populate your test database:
docker compose exec phpfpm composer fixtures:load
After loading fixtures, the following users exist (cf. fixtures/user.yaml
Password | Roles | API key | |
[email protected] |
password |
[email protected] |
user-password |
ROLE_USER | user-api-key |
The app:aeos:code-cleanup
console command can be used to delete expires codes:
bin/console app:aeos:code-cleanup --help
A couple of commands can clean up guest and apps
bin/console app:expire-guests
bin/console app:expire-inactive-apps --app-sent-before='-24 hours'
Set up a cron
job to have expired codes deleted daily at 02:00
(adjust paths to match your actual setup):
0 2 * * * /usr/bin/php /home/www/dokk1gh/htdocs/bin/console --env=prod app:aeos:code-cleanup
A user can create an API key via the user menu: @TODO
API documentation:
open "http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080)/api/doc"
In the following examples, the API key of the fixture user [email protected]
Get a list of templates available to the user:
curl --silent --header "Authorization: Bearer user-api-key" "http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080)/api/templates"
Get list of codes created by user:
curl --silent --header "Authorization: Bearer user-api-key" "http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080)/api/codes"
An administrator can get all codes by adding all=1
curl --silent --header "Authorization: Bearer user-api-key" "http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080)/api/codes?all=1"
Create a code:
curl --silent --silent --header "Authorization: Bearer user-api-key" "http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080)/api/codes" --header "content-type: application/json" --data @- <<'JSON'
"template": 1,
"startTime": "2017-08-14T08:00:00+02:00",
"endTime": "2017-08-14T16:00:00+02:00"
On success the result will look like this:
"status" : "ok",
"code" : "21347994",
"endTime" : "2017-08-14T16:00:00+0200",
"startTime" : "2017-08-14T08:00:00+0200",
"template" : {
"name" : "Gæst ITK",
"id" : 1
Debug email sent to user when created:
bin/console app:debug notify-user-created [user email]
bin/console app:debug notify-user-created [email protected]
Open test mail UI:
open "http://$(docker compose port mail 8025)"
docker compose exec phpfpm bin/console doctrine:schema:update --em=mock --force --complete
Use this during local testing and development.
# config/services.local.yaml
aeos_location: 'http://nginx:8080/mock/aeosws'
aeos_username: null
aeos_password: null
List mock AEOS templates to use when editing templates:
open "http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080)/admin/api/templates"
List mock AEOS users to use when editing users:
open "http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080)/admin/api/people"
See messages sent to the mock AEOS web service:
open "http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080)/mock/aeosws/log"
Show only the latest message:
open "http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080)/mock/aeosws/log/latest"
Use this during local testing and development.
curl --verbose --location "$(docker compose port nginx 8080)/mock/sms2go/sms2go-gateway-id" --header "authorization: Bearer sms2go-api-key" --header "content-type: application/json" --data @- <<'JSON'
"to": [
The values sms2go-gateway-id
and sms2go-api-key
above must match the values
environment variables.
See messages sent to the mock SMS gateway:
open "http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080)/mock/sms/log"
Show only the latest message:
open "http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080)/mock/sms/log/latest"
Clear out the acceptance test cache and set up the database:
SYMFONY_ENV=acceptance bin/console cache:clear --no-warmup
SYMFONY_ENV=acceptance bin/console cache:warmup
SYMFONY_ENV=acceptance bin/console doctrine:database:create
Run API tests:
docker compose exec phpfpm composer coding-standards-apply
docker compose exec phpfpm composer coding-standards-check
docker compose run --rm node yarn install
docker compose run --rm node yarn coding-standards-apply
docker compose run --rm node yarn coding-standards-check
docker compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/rector process
docker compose exec phpfpm composer code-analysis