As of Milestone 17 (2022-06-05), this branch can be used to build the releases current in mid-November 2021 of ROS 2 foxy and galactic and ROS 1 melodic and noetic with the kirkstone OpenEmbedded release series as of the beginning of December 2021.
The mid-November 2021 release (and earlier releases) of ROS 2 rolling can no
longer be built because the commits referenced by its recipes have been removed
rom the [release/rolling/*]
branches of the release repositories.
A "best effort" has been made to keep the EOL-ed ROS 2 dashing and
eloquent distros buildable, but some of the packages that are used to create
the ros-image-world
image do not build. However, the ros-image-core
does successfully build.
Instructions for using meta-ros
With the exception of the commits added to complete Milestone 17, this repository has not been maintained since December 2021. Its future maintenance was discussed in the OSRF TSC January 2022 meeting post.
The original implementation of meta-ros
for ROS 1 Indigo Igloo
( was transferred here on 2019-06-25. It
has been converted to use recipes generated by
superflore. Please see this
wiki page
for details of what was done and the current development milestones.
The original implementation has been retained in the