Add database AND assets tasks to capistrano to a Rails project. It only works with capistrano 3. Older versions until 0.3 works with capistrano 2.
- It only supports mysql and postgresql (both side remote and local)
- Synchronize assets remote to local and local to remote
Commands mysql, mysqldump (or pg_dump, psql), bzip2 and unbzip2 (or gzip) must be in your PATH
Feel free to fork and to add more database support or new tasks.
Add it as a gem:
gem "capistrano-db-tasks", require: false
Add to config/deploy.rb:
require 'capistrano-db-tasks'
# if you haven't already specified
set :rails_env, "production"
# if you want to remove the local dump file after loading
set :db_local_clean, true
# if you want to remove the dump file from the server after downloading
set :db_remote_clean, true
# if you want to exclude table from dump
set :db_ignore_tables, []
# if you want to exclude table data (but not table schema) from dump
set :db_ignore_data_tables, []
# configure location where the dump file should be created
set :db_dump_dir, "./db"
# If you want to import assets, you can change default asset dir (default = system)
# This directory must be in your shared directory on the server
set :assets_dir, %w(public/assets public/att)
set :local_assets_dir, %w(public/assets public/att)
# if you want to work on a specific local environment (default = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'development')
set :locals_rails_env, "production"
# if you are highly paranoid and want to prevent any push operation to the server
set :disallow_pushing, true
# if you prefer bzip2/unbzip2 instead of gzip
set :compressor, :bzip2
Add to .gitignore
How to install bzip2 on Windows
app:local:sync || app:pull # Synchronize your local assets AND database using remote assets and database
app:remote:sync || app:push # Synchronize your remote assets AND database using local assets and database
assets:local:sync || assets:pull # Synchronize your local assets using remote assets
assets:remote:sync || assets:push # Synchronize your remote assets using local assets
db:local:sync || db:pull # Synchronize your local database using remote database data
db:remote:sync || db:push # Synchronize your remote database using local database data
cap db:pull
cap production db:pull # if you are using capistrano-ext to have multistages
- tilsammans (
- bigfive (
- jakemauer (
- tjoneseng (
- numbata (
- rafaelsales (
- rdeshpande (
- May be change project's name as it's not only database tasks now :)
- Add tests
Copyright (c) 2009 [Sébastien Gruhier - XILINUS], released under the MIT license