This is a complete training example for BinaryNets using Binary-Backpropagation algorithm as explained in "Binarized Neural Networks: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1, Matthieu Courbariaux, Itay Hubara, Daniel Soudry, Ran El-Yaniv, Yoshua Bengio' on following datasets: Cifar10/100, SVHN, MNIST
We use dp library to extract all the data please view installation section
- Torch (
- "DataProvider.torch" ( for DataProvider class.
- "cudnn.torch" ( for faster training. Can be avoided by changing "cudnn" to "nn" in models.
- "dp" ( for data extraction
- "unsup" ( for data pre-processing
To install all dependencies (assuming torch is installed) use:
luarocks install
luarocks install cudnn
luarocks install dp
luarocks install unsup
Create pre-processing folder:
cd BinaryNet
mkdir PreProcData
Start training using:
th Main_BinaryNet_Cifar10.lua -network BinaryNet_Cifar10_Model
th Main_BinaryNet_MNIST.lua -network BinaryNet_MNIST_Model
The Docker is built from nvidia/cuda:8.0-cudnn5-devel
with Torch commit 0219027e6c4644a0ba5c5bf137c989a0a8c9e01b
To build image, run:
docker build -t binarynet:torch-gpu-cuda-8.0 -f Dockerfile/binarynet-torch-gpu-cuda-8.0 .
or to pull docker image:docker pull hychiang/binarynet:torch-gpu-cuda-8.0
To launch image with gpu, run:
docker run -it --gpus all binarynet:torch-gpu-cuda-8.0
To train BNN with Cifar10:
th Main_BinaryNet_Cifar10.lua -network BinaryNet_Cifar10_Model
Flag | Default Value | Description |
modelsFolder | ./Models/ | Models Folder |
network | Model.lua | Model file - must return valid network. |
LR | 0.1 | learning rate |
LRDecay | 0 | learning rate decay (in # samples |
weightDecay | 1e-4 | L2 penalty on the weights |
momentum | 0.9 | momentum |
batchSize | 128 | batch size |
stcNeurons | true | using stochastic binarization for the neurons or not |
stcWeights | false | using stochastic binarization for the weights or not |
optimization | adam | optimization method |
SBN | true | use shift based batch-normalization or not |
runningVal | true | use running mean and std or not |
epoch | -1 | number of epochs to train (-1 for unbounded) |
threads | 8 | number of threads |
type | cuda | float or cuda |
devid | 1 | device ID (if using CUDA) |
load | none | load existing net weights |
save | time-identifier | save directory |
dataset | Cifar10 | Dataset - Cifar10, Cifar100, STL10, SVHN, MNIST |
dp_prepro | false | preprocessing using dp lib |
whiten | false | whiten data |
augment | false | Augment training data |
preProcDir | ./PreProcData/ | Data for pre-processing (means,Pinv,P) |