Releases: itas109/CSerialPort
CSerialPort v4.3.2
CSerialPort v4.3.2.250203
lightweight cross-platform serial port library for C/C++/C#/Java/Python/Node.js/Electron/Rust
- reducing receive memory fragmentation 减少串口接收时的内存碎片
- update license to LGPLv3 with LGPL-3.0-linking-exception 更新开源协议为LGPLv3 with LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- support non-standard baud rate on macos 在macos系统支持非标准波特率
- support hot plug on windows, linux and macos 在windows linux和macos系统支持串口热插拔事件
- support buffer full event by setByteReadBufferFullNotify function 通过setByteReadBufferFullNotify 函数支持缓冲区满通知事件
- support set system internal input output buffer size on windows 在windows下支持自定义设置读写缓冲区大小(系统默认为4096)
- support UTF8 Character Encoding by define CSERIALPORT_USE_UTF8 通过CSERIALPORT_USE_UTF8宏定义支持UTF8字符编码
- support log output by define CSERIALPORT_DEBUG 通过CSERIALPORT_DEBUG宏定义支持输出串口日志文件
- support nodejs bindings 支持nodejs绑定
- support rust bindings 支持rust绑定
- support android 支持android系统
- fixed open COM100 above not exist error on windows 修复windows下打开COM100以上端口不存在问题
- #79 fixed RingBuffer read error when read size > ringbuffer used len 修复环形缓冲区读取大小大于已使用大小时读取失败问题
- #84 fixed stop thread error on windows 修复windows下停止线程错误问题
Full Changelog: v4.3.1...v4.3.2
CSerialPort V4.3.1
CSerialPort v4.3.1.240204
lightweight cross-platform serial port library for C/C++/C#/Java/Python/Node.js
- support linux and macos get hardwareId info 支持linux和macos获取硬件信息vid和pid
- support DTR RTS set 支持DTR和RTS设置
- support flush RX TX buffers 支持刷新读写缓冲区
- support add CSeiralPort as subdirectory 支持CSeiralPort 作为cmake子目录
- use c++11 timer if compiler support 编译器支持的情况下使用C++定时器
- #75 fix getPortInfoList crash on macos 修复macos下getPortInfoList 崩溃问题
- #76 linux custom baudrate not work 修复linux下自定义波特率无效问题
- #80 unix read undefinite wait when sync mode 修复unix同步模式下读取无限等待问题
Full Changelog: v4.3.0...v4.3.1
CSerialPort V4.3.0
CSerialPort v4.2.2.230215
lightweight cross-platform serial port library for C/C++/C#/Java/Python/Node.js
- readEvent replace with CSerialPortListener 使用CSerialPortListener进行读取事件通知
- replace std::string with const char* as much as possible 尽可能使用const char*代替std::string
- add function getReadBufferUsedLen() to get used buffer length 增加getReadBufferUsedLen函数用于获取缓冲区长度
- add LOG_INFO to output CSerialPort info 增加LOG_INFO输出串口信息
CSerialPort V4.2.2
CSerialPort v4.2.2.230215
lightweight cross-platform serial port library for C/C++/C#/Java/Python/Node.js
- read event notify with portName and readBufferLen 读取事件通知支持串口名称与长度
- add function getReadBufferUsedLen() to get used buffer length 增加getReadBufferUsedLen函数用于获取缓冲区长度
- add LOG_INFO to output CSerialPort info 增加LOG_INFO输出串口信息
CSerialPort V4.2.1
CSerialPort v4.2.1.221107
lightweight cross-platform serial port library for C/C++/C#/Java/Python/Node.js
- read buffer size deafult 4096 Bytes 读取缓冲区大小默认为4096字节
- read interval timeout default 0ms 读取超时间隔默认0ms,即实时接收
- vcpkg install CSerialPort 支持vcpkg安装CSerialPort
- wxWidgets demo 新增wxWidgets示例程序
- new notify class CSerialPortListener(USE_CSERIALPORT_LISTENER) 新的事件通知类CSerialPortListener(宏定义USE_CSERIALPORT_LISTENER开启)
- CSerialPort for C#(CSharp) 支持C#(CSharp)调用CSerialPort
- CSerialPort for Java 支持Java调用CSerialPort
- CSerialPort for Python 支持Python调用CSerialPort
- CSerialPort for JavaScript 支持JavaScript调用CSerialPort
CSerialPort V4.2.0
CSerialPort v4.2.0.221001
lightweight, cross-platform, and efficient serial port library
- #60 application compiled with source code under windows still has export information 在windows下以源码方式编译仍然带有导出信息
- modify examples 优化示例程序
- add cross compile toochain.cmake for arm aarch64 mips64el riscv 增加arm aarch64 mips64el riscv的交叉编译cmake 文件
- improve windows receive performance 优化windows接收性能
- add custom baud rate for linux 新增linux下设置自定义波特率
- add cross-platform thread library 新增跨平台线程库
- add cross-platform ringbuffer library 新增跨平台环形缓冲区库
- add cross-platform timer based condition variable 新增基于条件变量的跨平台定时器库
- add ringbuffer for receive data(asynchronous mode) 新增环形缓冲区接收数据(异步模式)
- add read interval timeout setting(default 50ms, asynchronous mode) 新增读取超时设置(默认50ms, 异步模式)
- add clang-tidy 增加clang-tidy代码检测
CSerialPort V4.1.1
CSerialPort v4.1.1.210903
lightweight, cross-platform, and efficient serial port library
- #49 function writeData hanle leak on windows 修复windows下writeData函数句柄泄漏问题
- #42 high cpu usage problem on unix 修复unix上高cpu占用问题
- #41 could not enum all avaiable ports on windows 修复windows下偶尔枚举可用串口不全的问题
- #33 No Gui Application without endless loop crash problem 修复NoGui程序崩溃问题
- #28 VS2015 x64 MFC not work 修复VS2015生成x64程序不能正常运行问题
- use unsigned int instead of int64 使用unsigned int代替int64
- add unix virtual serial port 增加unix虚拟串口工具
- read thread optimization 读取线程优化
CSerialPort V4.1.0
CSerialPort v4.1.0.201010
lightweight, cross-platform, and efficient serial port library
- #29 windows xp unable to locate the program input point in msvcrt.dll 无法定位程序输入点于msvcrt.dll
- #30 _T() cannot convert 'const char*' to 'LPCWSTR
- #39 fix getPortInfoList crash on unix(not linux and mac os) 修复unix系统(非linux和macos)getPortInfoList引起的崩溃问题
- #40 fix vs2008 vs2010 Cannot open include file: 'ntddser.h' 修复msvc无法找到ntddser.h问题
- header files is separated into include directory 头文件独立到include文件夹
- add Tui Demo based pdcurses and ncurses 增加基于pdcurses和ncurses的tui示例
- use cmake compile CSerialPort 使用cmake编译
- add cmake install 增加cmake安装
- add cppcheck file 增加cppcheck代码检测文件
- add clang-format 增加clang-format代码格式化
- add travis ci and appveyor ci 增加travis和appveyor持续集成
- remove function init of integer port 移除init整型串口函数
- remove function availablePorts and availableFriendlyPorts 移除availablePorts和availablePorts函数
CSerialPort V4.0.3
CSerialPort v4.0.3.200429
lightweight, cross-platform, and efficient serial port library
- fixed memory leak 修复内存泄露问题
- Optimize function closePort under windows 优化windows下的closePort函数
- #21 typo setFlowControl
- #22 function CSerialPortWinBase::openPort error when set error parameter
- #24 sigslot can not define static
- #26 linux receive miss 0x11 0x13 0x0d
- fixed compile error when baudrate not difine 修复波特率未定义错误
- support mingw 支持mingw 4.8.2
- support mac 支持mac 10.13
- add Common baud rate 增加波特率
- add test case by gtest 增加测试用例
- add function CSerialPortInfo::availablePortInfos 增加通用串口信息枚举函数
- support linux list ports add /dev/pts/* 支持linux虚拟串口
CSerialPort V4.0.2
A new lightweight, cross-platform, and efficient serial port library
base and stable version release