Slides and material of the event happened on November 24 in Pavia.
- Keynote HPX : High performance computing in C++ with concurrency, parallelism and futures by John Biddiscombe
- Unconvex Nesting Optimization by Fabrizio Radaelli
- A.I. dalla teoria alla pratica by Sebastiano Galazzo
- Exploring IoT with RTI DDS Connext by Giorgio Zoppi
- Unevaluated operands: the SFINAE you don’t expect by Michele Caini
- Macro free non intrusive runtime reflection system in C++ by Michele Caini
- Lessons Learned Developing Evolutionary Algorithms in C++ by Manlio Morini
- Il punto su C++20 by Alberto Barbati
- Cython: Importare il C++ in Python velocemente by Federico Pasqua
- GIS in C++: cosa si nasconde dietro l’app mappe del tuo smarthphone? by Alberto Bignotti