ZooZ Extended server API allows you to extend your control and manageability of your payment transactions. With the Extended Server API you can:
- Defer payments -‐ approve your users’ purchases after they authorize ZooZ transactions
- Get full details on transactions by transaction ID or payee email address
- Refund transactions Prior to initiating any forms of integration,
it will be necessary for you to sign up for ZooZ at http://www.ZooZ.com The purpose of this guide is to provide you with all necessary information for integration, however if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]
Version The version of this API is: 1.1.8 Notice: Please make sure to pass this version number to the API.
To Get Started with ZooZ:
- Register and create app at ZooZ
- Integrate the ZooZ SDK in your App
- Generate transactions using ZooZ SDK
Quick java example for one our API's , all other APIs' are simillar to this:
private static final String DEVELOPER_ID = "[email protected]"; // fill in your ZooZ Developer Id
private static final String API_KEY = "api-key.here"; // can be found in My Account-> Server API Key.
private static final boolean IS_SANDBOX = true; // select the mode you want to integrate with, sandbox or production
ZooZExtendedServerAPI.init(DEVELOPER_ID, API_KEY, IS_SANDBOX); // set-up a connection to ZooZ servers
String GET_TRANSACTION_ID = "7JU3VMGBXC4XJE343ASWF3W6C4"; // fill the transaaction id you like to get it result.
// can be found in Reports->Transaction Details->Transaction ID
GetTransactionDetailsByTransactionID sample = new GetTransactionDetailsByTransactionID(GET_TRANSACTION_ID);
JSONObject result = sample.postToZooZ();
The result will be in a Json format, similler to this:
additional details",
"number":"Invoice Number"},
"mobileDeviceId": 287153,
"mobileDeviceName": "GT-‐N7000",
"mobileDeviceOsVersion": "10",
"userId": 287239,
“riskScore”: 1.5,
"ipAddress": "",
"addresses":[{"billing.street":"Main St. 1 ",
"billing.city":"New York",
"billing.state":"New York",
"email":"[email protected]",
"additionalDetails":"Additional User Details 1234",
"ResponseStatus": 0