Pushd is a pluggable unified push server for server-side notification to mobile native apps, web apps etc. With pushd you can send push notifications to any supported mobile platform, web app or HTTP server from a single entry point. Pushd takes care of which device is subscribed to which event and is designed to support an unlimited amount of subscribable events.
- Multi protocols APNs (iOS), C2DM/GCM (Android), MPNS (Windows Phone), HTTP POST, EventSource, WNS (Windows Notification Service)
- Pluggable protocols
- Register unlimited number of subscribers (device)
- Subscribe to unlimited number of events
- Automatic badge increment for iOS
- Silent subscription mode (no alert message, only data or badge increment)
- Server side message translation
- Message template
- Broadcast
- Direct messages
- GCM multicast messaging
- Events statistics
- Automatic failing subscriber unregistration
- Built-in Apple Feedback API handling
- Redis backend
- Fracking fast!
- Install redis, node.js, npm and coffeescript.
- Clone the repository:
git clone git://github.com/rs/pushd.git && cd pushd
- Install dependancies:
npm install
- Configure the server:
cp settings-sample.coffee settings.coffee && vi settings.coffee
- Start redis:
- Start the server:
sudo coffee pushd.coffee
Application Data Provider
: The service emittingEvents
(i.e: other users actions) to be notified toSubscribers
(i.e.: mobiles app)Subscribers
: Entities wanting to be notified about certain type ofEvents
. There's two kind of subscribers: offline subscribers and online subscribers. The current implementation of pushd does only support offline subscribers. Difference between online and offline subscribers is that online subscribers are required to stay connected to maintain subscriptions while offline subscribers are persisted in pushd database, and only have to instruct pushd when they change their status (subscriptions etc.).Event
: A string with associated metadata representing an action performed on theApplication Data Provider
. Events are emitted by theApplication Data Provider
(i.e.: a web site or your application's server-side backend), andSubscribers
can subscribe to them in order to be notified by theProtocol
of their choice.Protocol
: A communication standard to send notification back to theSubscriber
. Protocols are pluggable in pushd so you can add your own custom protocol. By default, pushd is bundled with support for APNs (iOS), C2DM/GCM (Android) and MPNS (Windows Phone). More protocols will be added in the future.
At first launch, your app must register with the push notification service to get a registration id. It then provides this registration id to pushd in exchange for a subscriber id (This subscriber id will be used with all further communications with pushd). Some informations can be sent with the request to pushd like: subscriber language, version or current badge value.
Subscriber registration is performed through a HTTP REST API (see later for more details). Here is an example of a subscriber registration simulated using the curl command. As an example, we will register the iOS device with the registration id FE66489F304DC75B8D6E8200DFF8A456E8DAEACEC428B427E9518741C92C6660
. For iOS, we have to specify the apns
protocol. We also set the subscriber language to fr
for French and init the badge to 0
. We suppose the command is run on the same machine as pushd:
$ curl -d proto=apns \
-d token=FE66489F304DC75B8D6E8200DFF8A456E8DAEACEC428B427E9518741C92C6660 \
-d lang=fr \
-d badge=0 \
-d category=show \
-d contentAvailable=true \
In reply, we get the following JSON structure:
Your app must save the id
field value, it will be used for all further communication with pushd.
Note: If you perform a registration using an already registered token, the server will respond with the same subscriber id and will just update the transmitted informations. You may choose to always register the given token instead of calling the ping endpoint.
Once the app is registered, it has to ping the pushd server each time the app is launched to let pushd know the subscriber still exists. The subscriber may have been unregistered automatically in case of repeated errors for instance. To ping pushd, you perform a POST on the /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID
url as follow:
$ curl -d lang=fr -d badge=0 http://localhost/subscriber/J8lHY4X1XkU
On iOS, you must update the badge value to inform pushd the user read the pending notifications. You may call this URL several times, each time the badge is updated, so the next notification will still increment the badge with the correct value.
Depending on your service, your app may auto-subscribe the subscriber to some events or ask the user which events he wants to be subscribed to (an event is identified as an arbitrary string meaningful for your service). For each event your app wants to be subscribed to, a call to the pushd API must be performed.
For instance, if your app is news related, you may want to create one subscriptable event for each news category. So if your user wants to subscribe to sport
events, the following call to pushd has to be performed:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost/subscriber/J8lHY4X1XkU/subscriptions/sport
You may later unsubscribe by switching from the POST
to the DELETE
You may also prefer to set all subscriptions at once by using the bulk subscription endpoint:
$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"sport":{}, "music":{}}' http://localhost/subscriber/J8lHY4X1XkU/subscriptions
We recommend to auto-subscribe your users to some global event like for instance a country event if your app is international. This will let you send targeted messages to all of a given country’s users.
- Obtain device token from the OS
- Post the token on
with parameters likelang
- Extract the
from the response (you don't need to store it, treat it like a session id) - Resubscribe the device to all its previously subscribed events by posting on
This workflow ensures device stay registered and subscriptions are always up-to-date.
Once subscribers are registered, your service may start to send events. Events are composed of a message, optionally translated in several languages and some additional data to be passed to your application. To send an event, you may either use the HTTP REST API or send UDP datagrams.
You don't need to create events before sending them. If nobody is subscribed to a given event, it will be simply ignored. It's thus recommended to send all the possible types of events and let your application choose which to subscribe to.
Here we will send a message to all subscribers subscribed to the sport
$ curl -d msg=Test%20message http://localhost/event/sport
Pushd supports the Event Source protocol, also known as Server Sent Events. This allows your web application to benefits from the same pushed event than your native apps.
This protocol is very different from other pushd supported protocol because it doesn't involve subscriber registration nor stored subscriptions. The web service connects to the pushd server and declars which event it is interested in, and then pushd will push subscribed events in this same connections until the client stays connected.
You may want to use Yaffle EventSource polyfill on the client side in order to support CORS requests with older browsers (see code example bellow).
When Event Source is enabled, a new /subscribe
API endpoint is available. Use the events
query-string parameter with a list of events separated by spaces:
> GET /subscribe?events=event1+event2+event3 HTTP/1.1
> Accept: text/event-stream
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: text/event-stream
< Cache-Control: no-cache
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Connection: close
... some time passes ...
< data: {"event": "event1", "title": {"default": "Title", "fr": "Titre"}, "message": {...}, "data": {"var1": "val1", "var2": "val2"}}
... some time passes ...
< data: {"event": "event2", "title": {"default": "Title", "fr": "Titre"}, "message": {...}, "data": {"var1": "val1", "var2": "val2"}}
Or in Javascript:
<script src="https://raw.github.com/Yaffle/EventSource/master/eventsource.js"></script>
var es = new EventSource('http://localhost/subscribe?events=event1+event2+event3');
es.addEventListener('message', function (e)
var event = JSON.parse(e.data);
See codepen example: http://codepen.io/rs/pen/xAjpy
Register a subscriber by POSTing on /subscribers
with some subscriber information like registration id, protocol, language, OS version (useful for Windows Phone OS) or initial badge number (only relevant for iOS, see bellow).
> POST /subscribers HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> proto=apns&
> token=FE66489F304DC75B8D6E8200DFF8A456E8DAEACEC428B427E9518741C92C6660&
> lang=fr&
> badge=0
< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Location: /subscriber/JYJ1ehuEHbU
< Content-Type: application/json
< {
< "created":1332638892,
< "updated":1332638892,
< "proto":"apns",
< "token":"FE66489F304DC75B8D6E8200DFF8A456E8DAEACEC428B427E9518741C92C6660",
< "lang":"fr",
< "badge":10
< }
Carriage returns are added for readability
: The protocol to be used for the subscriber. Use one of the following values:apns
: iOS (Apple Push Notification service)gcm
: Android (Cloud to subscriber Messaging)mpns
Window Phone (Microsoft Push Notification Service)
: The device registration id delivered by the platform's push notification service
: The language code for the of the subscriber. This parameter is used to determine which message translation to use when pushing text notifications. You may use the 2 chars ISO code or a complete locale code (i.e.: en_CA) or any value you want as long as you provide the same values in your events. See below for info about events formatting.badge
: The current app badge value. This parameter is only applicable to iOS for which badge counters must be maintained server side. On iOS, when a user read or loads more unread items, you must inform the server of the badge's new value. This badge value will be incremented automatically by pushd each time a new notification is sent to the subscriber.category
: The category for the push notification action. This parameter is only applicable to iOS8.contentAvailable
: The 'content-available' flag value. This parameter is only applicable to iOS7 and applications which support Silent Remote Notifications or Newsstand capability. With iOS7 it is possible to have the application wake up before the user opens the app.version
: This is the OS subscriber version. This parameter is only needed by Windows Phone OS. By setting this value to 7.5 or greater anmpns
subscriber ids will enable new MPNS push features.
subscriber previously registered201
subscriber successfully registered400
Invalid specified registration id or protocol
On each app launch, it is highly recommended to update your subscriber information in order to inform pushd your subscriber is still alive and registered for notifications. Do not forget to check if the app notifications hasn't been disabled since the last launch, and call DELETE
if so. If this request returns a 404 error, it means your subscriber registration has been cancelled by pushd. You must then delete the previously obtained subscriber id and restart the registration process for this subscriber. Registration can be cancelled after pushd error count for the subscriber reached a predefined threshold or if the target platform push service informed pushd about an inactive subscriber (i.e. Apple Feedback Service).
> POST /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> lang=fr&badge=0
< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
: The language code for the of the subscriber. This parameter is used to determine which message translation to use when pushing text notifications. You may use the 2 chars ISO code or a complete locale code (i.e.: en_CA) or any value you want as long as you provide the same values in your events. See below for info about events formatting.badge
: The current app badge value. This parameter is only applicable to iOS for which badge counters must be maintained server side. On iOS, when a user read or loads more unread items, you must inform the server of the badge's new value. This badge value will be incremented automatically by pushd each time a new notification is sent to the subscriber.version
: This is the OS subscriber version. This parameter is only needed by Windows Phone OS. By setting this value to 7.5 or greater anmpns
subscriber ids will enable new MPNS push features.
NOTE: this method should be called each time the app is opened to inform pushd the subscriber is still alive. If you don’t, the subscriber may be automatically unregistered in case of repeated push error.
subscriber info edited successfully400
Format of the subscriber id or a field value is invalid404
The specified subscriber does not exist
When the user chooses to disable notifications from within your app, you can delete the subscriber from pushd so pushd won't send further push notifications.
< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
subscriber unregistered successfully400
Invalid subscriber id format404
The specified subscriber does not exist
You may want to read informations stored about a subscriber id.
> GET /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
< Content-Type: application/json
< {
< "created":1332638892,
< "updated":1332638892,
< "proto":"apns",
< "token":"FE66489F304DC75B8D6E8200DFF8A456E8DAEACEC428B427E9518741C92C6660",
< "lang":"fr",
< "badge":10
< }
Carriage returns are added for readability
subscriber exists, information returned400
Invalid subscriber id format404
The specified subscriber does not exist
You may want to test from your app if the push notification system is working. You can test this by POSTing an empty body on /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID/test
. Pushd will send back a test notification with "Test" as message and {"test": "ok"} as data.
> POST /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID/test HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
subscriber exists, information returned400
Invalid subscriber id format404
The specified subscriber does not exist
For pushd, an event is represented as a simple string. By default a subscriber won't receive push notifications other than broadcasts or direct messages if it’s not subscribed to events. Events are text and/or data sent by your service on pushd. Pushd's role is to convert this event into a push notification for any subscribed subscriber.
You subscribe a previously registered subscriber by POSTing on /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID/subscriptions/EVENT_NAME
is a unique string code for the event. You may post an option parameter to configure the subscription.
> POST /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID/subscriptions/EVENT_NAME HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> ignore_message=1
< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
: Defaults to 0, if set to 1, the message part of the subscribed event won't be sent with the notification. On iOS, the badge will still be incremented and updated. You can use this to update the badge counter on iOS without disturbing the user if he didn't want to be explicitly notified for this event but still wants to know how many new items are available. On Android you may use this kind of subscription to notify your application about new items available so it can perform background pre-fetching without user notification.
Subscription successfully created204
Subscription successfully updated400
Invalid subscriber id event name format404
The specified subscriber does not exist
To unsubscribe from an event, perform a DELETE on the subscription URL.
> DELETE /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID/subscriptions/EVENT_NAME HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Subscription deleted400
Invalid subscriber id or event name format404
The specified subscriber does not exist
To get the list of events a subscriber is subscribed to, perform a GET on /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID/subscriptions
> GET /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID/subscriptions HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
< Content-Type: application/json
< {
< "EVENT_NAME": {"ignore_message": false},
< "EVENT_NAME2": ...
< }
To test for the presence of a single subscription, perform a GET on the subscription URL
> GET /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID/subscriptions/EVENT_NAME HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
< Content-Type: application/json
< {"ignore_message":false}
To set all subscriptions in one request, perform a POST with a JSON object on /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID/subscriptions
with event names as key and a dictionary of options as value or null.
> POST /subscriber/SUBSCRIBER_ID/subscriptions HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: application/json
> {
> "EVENT_NAME": {"ignore_message": false},
> "EVENT_NAME2": ...
> }
< HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
To generate notifications, your service must send events to pushd. The service doesn't have to know if a subscriber is subscribed to an event in order to send it, it just sends all subscriptable events as they happen and pushd handles the rest.
It is also possible to ignore subscriptions and generate notifications directly using specialized event names.
An event is some key/value pairs in a specific format sent to pushd either using HTTP POST or UDP datagrams.
The event name is commonly used to send notifications for registered subscriptions. There are two exceptions, in which case notifications can be sent without a subscription:
sends the notification to all subscribersunicast:SUBSCRIBER_ID
sends the notification to the subscriber with the specified id
An event message is a dictionary of optional key/values:
: The event title/message. If no title nor message are provided, the event will only send data to the app and won't notify the user. Thetitle
is only relevant for Android and Windows Phone, iOS doesn't support this value: the application name is always used as notification title. The value can contain placeholders to other keys, see Message Template bellow.title.<lang>
: The translated version of the event title/message. The<lang>
part must match thelang
property of a target subscriber. If subscribers use full locale (i.e.fr_CA
), and no matching locale value is provided, pushd will fallback to a language only version of the value if any (i.e.fr
). If no translation matches, thetitle
key is used. The value can contain placeholders to other keys, see Message Template bellow.data.<key>
: Key/values to be attached to the notificationvar.<key>
: Stores strings to be reused inmsg
: The name of a sound file to be played. It must match a sound file name contained in you bundle app. (iOS only)
The msg
and <lang>.msg
keys may contain references to others keys in the event object. You may refer either to data.<key>
or var.<key>
. Use the ${<key name>}
syntax to refer to those keys (ex: ${var.title}
Here is an example of an event message using translations and templating (spaces and carriage returns have been added for readability):
msg=${var.name} sent a new video: ${var.title}
msg.fr=${var.name} a envoyé une nouvelle video: ${var.title}
var.name=John Doe
var.title=Super awesome video
To send an event to pushd over HTTP, POST some urlencoded key/value pairs to the /event/EVENT_NAME
endpoint of the pushd server:
> POST /event/user.newVideo:fkwhpd HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> msg=${var.name} sent a new video: ${var.title}&
> msg.fr=${var.name} a envoyé une nouvelle video: ${var.title}&
> sound=newVideo.mp3&
> data.user_id=fkwhpd&
> data.video_id=1k3dxk&
> var.name=Jone Doe&
> var.title=Super awesome video
< HTTP/1.1 204 Ok
Carriage returns are added for readability
The server will answer OK immediately. This doesn't mean the event has already been delivered.
The UDP event posting API consists of a UDP datagram targeted at the UDP port 80 containing the URI of the event followed by the message content as query-string compressed using gzip:
GZIP(POST /event/user.newVideo:fkwhpd?msg=%24%7Bvar.name%7D+sent+a+new+video%3A+%24%7Bvar.title%7D&msg.fr=%24%7Bvar…)
Here is a simple PHP example to post an UDP event:
$pushdHost = '';
$pushdPort = 80;
$eventName = 'user.newVideo:fkwhpd';
$payload = array
'msg' => '${var.name} sent a new video: ${var.title}',
'msg.fr' => '${var.name} a envoyé une nouvelle video: ${var.title}',
'sound' => 'newVideo.mp3',
'data.user_id' => 'fkwhpd',
'data.video_id' => '1k3dxk',
'var.name' => 'Jone Doe',
'var.title' => Super awesome video'
$msg = gzcompress('POST /event/' . urldecode($eventName) . '?' . http_build_query($payload));
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
socket_sendto($socket, $msg, strlen($msg), 0, $pushdHost, $pushdPort);
When an event get at least one subscriber, pushd start to account some statistics on the event. Those stats persists until the event keep at least one subscriber. Those statistics can be used for monitoring or to present stats about the event to the user like approx number of notification per day for this event.
To get statistics from an event, perform a GET on /event/EVENT_NAME
> GET /event/EVENT_NAME HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
< Content-Type: application/json
< {
< "created": 1334097188,
< "total": 154
< }
Statistics returned404
The specified event does not exist
When the application data provider know about a particular event will no longer be available, it can force pushd to forget about it and unsubscribe all current subscribers from it. To purge an event, perform a DELETE on /event/EVENT_NAME
< HTTP/1.1 204 Ok
The DELETE method is also available thrus UDP.
Event deleted404
The specified event does not exist
Ensures that the service is running and connected to Redis.
> GET /status HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Server running and connected to Redis503
Server running but not connected to Redis
The verbosity of logging can be configured with the loglevel
property in settings.coffee.
exports['loglevel'] = 'verbose'
Possible levels:
: log errors onlywarn
: log also warningsinfo
: log status messagesverbose
: log event and subscriber creation and deletionsilly
: log submitted message content
npm test
See tests/performance/README.md.
(The MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2011 Olivier Poitrey [email protected] Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Ingo Struck [email protected]
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.