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Simone B edited this page Jan 17, 2018 · 55 revisions

System Management

After running Master and Workers it is possible to manage them using the System Management, in particulary the user can do the following:

  • Monitor the workers status and new connected workers
  • View status and progress of the submitted simulations
  • View the terminated simulations and own log files

To access at web console a browser is needed. The master for default is listening on port 8080, so to display the System Management from the same Master machine the link to use is localhost, otherwise the link is the Master's ip, in both cases the link is followed by port number. For example if the Master's ip is, then for accessing to System Management the user should type

For each above mentioned functionalities, the System Management provides an own page. So we have the following pages:

It is possible to switch from a page to another one by Control Panel, as in figure:

System Management: Sidebar

For default the Control Panel is hidden, to display it is enough to click the following button System Management: Menu button


In this page is possible:

  • See all workers connected to Master
  • Select a set of Worker and submit on them a simulation

A preview of this page is the following

System Management: Monitoring page

The above picture displays 2 connected workers, each one shows few informations:

  • CPU load
  • JVM Heap space
  • Worker IP
  • Available slots number

This informations are dynamic, so the user can monitor the status of each worker every time.

For submitting a simulation is needed select some workers and press Add Button

System Management: Add Simulation Button

After press the add simulation button, it will show a pop-up window in which the user can configure the simulation, as in figure

System Management: Add Simulation

Here is possible to choose a simulation from Example simulation list or upload a own simulation. In the first case, a drop down menu will show you the available simulations to submit, in the second case, indeed, it will show you a window from which you can select the file to submit.

At this point it is possible to configure the simulation by the following two sections:

  • Partitioning: is the simulation partitioning kind (see D-Mason architecture)
  • Parameters: few attributes for setting the simulation

Once each field has been filled, it is possible to submit the simulation on workers.


After submitting a simulation the visualization will be redirected to Simulations page.

Each not terminated submitted simulation will be displayed in this page. An example is the following

System Management: Simulations

In this example we have only one simulation, and we can see few informations about it.

The following picture shows what the informations are.

System Management: Simulation status

Now the user has two alternatives:

  • delete the previously submitted simulation ( He might have wrong to set some configuration parameters in the previous step )
  • start the simulation

For the first case a delete button, which is showed in the previous picture, it will be visible on mouse hover over the tile. Otherwise, for running a simulation just click the play button.

When the simulation is running, some informations will be updated (as steps number), in addition, if the user click on the simulation information box (the tail), a view which will show you some extra informations will be opened. That informations are a simulation logs preview, a button for downloading the current logs, an CPU average indicator about workers engaged in simulation, and so on. An example is the following

System Management: Simulation progress

When the simulation is running, only a file log preview is available, but in the other hand, the download will give all file filled until that time. The user can display the log preview clicking the respective log file under Log files section, for downloading them, indeed, a download button is provided. The file log content is related to simulation used.

System Management: Simulation progress

An log example preview. In this case for each step, every agent writes own position


![System Management: History] (

Either terminated or stopped simulations will be shown in this section. Here it is possible to download all the log files and to see summary informations, like the time which the simulation has taken to end.

System Management: Simulation info


While the simulation is running using the Viewer(Beta) page, it is possible to show the agents in the partitioning fields. System Management: Viewer

Using the scrollbar it is possible inspect all cells and all agents in the distributed fields during the simulation

System Management: Viewer Fields


In Settings page, it is possible to set three types of DMASON options:

  • General
  • ActiveMQ
  • Amazon AWS EC2

System Management: Settings

In General section, there's a checkbox allowing to enable performance tracing for running simulations: it shows in workers consoles a 4-tuple (TYPE, STEP, COMP_TIME, COMM_TIME).

In ActiveMQ section it's possible to set address and port for ActiveMQ server used for master-workers communication; by default, the embedded server is set at address.

In Amazon AWS EC2 section it's possible to set the region where instantiate virtual machines, Amazon EC2 public and private key to let DMASON access to remote management console; by default, region set is us-east-1 (North Virginia).