Shakitz is the open source implementation of a fantasy football league. Key features include:
- Up to 8 users
- Active and Benched players in an 18-player squad
- Ranking table for:
- Total points
- Head-to-head fixtures
- Player for player trades between users
- Waiver wire (one per game-week, user rank based on previous week's score)
- Game Day page for Sundays
- Default NFL points spreads + options to customize
- Stats page including:
- "Bench" stats
- Leading fantasy scorer stats
- 'Smack Board' - where users can give each other some fighting talk
Shakitz had an alpha run during the 2014 preseason, and the 2014 regular season. This helped us remedy a lot of issues. We're currently in a beta run for the 2015 preseson and hope to have it fully fleshed out by the end of the regular season. In it's current state it is definitely playable, it just lacks all of the features of its non open-sourced peers.
If you are interested in playing Shakitz NFL Fantasy Football with your friends, want to make feature requests or are interested in contributing please don't hesitate to contact either ishakir or MikeSpitz.
We're keen to drive usage and take advantage of the open source nature of the project. This is the people's fantasy system. What we believe are the most important features are listed below, let us know if you want to amend or develop some of them!
Trades involving more than one player per side
Loan trades with a "trade-back" date
Automated provisioning of production instances
Allow custom team sizes
Fixtures for > 8 users
Enhanced home page with more interesting info (team of the week, recent transfer activity etc...)
- Points missed per week / over whole season
- League table if everyone selects perfect team
- League table of people who have picked perfect team
- List of users -> weeks where perfect team has been picked
- Swaps that should have been made to get perfect team
- Team of the Year
- Bench of the week fixtures?
- List of bench fo the week weekly winners
- Who won the most weeks overall?
- Team stars (most points over all weeks for a user)
You will need rails before you can do anything. Once you have done that:
Clone the repository:
git clone git://
Change into the directory created:
cd footbawwl
Install all the necessary gems
(sudo) bundle install
Try running the tests to check the environment is sane:
bundle exec rake test
We use the standard rails testing frameworks in minitest for unit and rubocop for static analysis, these and a good conversation are the criteria for a commit. In order to check that any changes are good run first:
rubocop -R -a
bundle exec rake test
We use magic_encoding to insert the UTF-8 header into the ruby files, so if rubocop returns complaining about a missing utf-8 encoding comment, run: