A collection of datasets for FLamingo framework.
- Class distribution skew, where clients have different classes of data
- label distribution skew, where clients have same classes but different label distribution
- Predefined partition matrix, shape: (num_classes, num_clients), sum of each line is 1
The usage of each dataset is similar.
Examples belew are: --nc 30 clients, --dist distribution is iid, --blc balance clients' dataset sizes, --seed 2048, --cc each client has 5 classes, --alpha 0.1 for dirichlet distribution, --least_samples 10 minimum samples for generation, --indir ../datasets/ where original file locates, --outdir ../datasets/ where processed dataset stored.
- CIFAR-10
python gen_cifar10.py --nc 30 --dist iid --blc 1 --seed 2048 --cc 5 --alpha 0.1 --least_samples 10 --indir ../datasets/ --outdir ../datasets/
- CIFAR-100
python gen_cifar100.py --nc 30 --dist iid --blc 1 --seed 2048 --cc 10 --alpha 0.1 --least_samples 10 --indir ../datasets/ --outdir ../datasets/
- Leaf-Shakespeare Warning: due to Shakespeare dataset's characteristics, you need to figure out how to avoid the situation that one client may have 3 test samples. Use --minimum_test_samples to prevent such extreme situation.
cd ./utils/leaf_scripts/shakespeare
sudo find . -type f -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} + # set all scripts runnable
./preprocess.sh -s niid --sf 0.2 -k 0 -t sample -tf 0.9
python gen_shakespeare.py --seed 2048 --indir ../datasets/ --outdir ../datasets/ --minimum_test_samples 50
And more...
There are some pre-implemented spliting functions in utils/general_utils. You can use them to do your own partition.
Feel free to contribute to this repository by opening a pull request.
Or requesting a new dataset by opening an issue.