Terminal program for simple seed generation, encryption, decryption, backup and more.
Have you ever thought that writing a mnemonic phrase (or any other secret) on a piece of paper is not the safest storage? Physical damage, loss or declassification is not excluded.
It would be much better if we could safely divide into several parts and distribute them to our friends or relatives. A simple separation will not work - if we lose at least one part, we would not be able to restore the data completely.
This tool allows you to use the Shamir secret separation scheme: divide into N parts, and any K will allow you to completely restore the original data.
And there are also commands for generating qr codes, converting binary files into hex-string for printing, and much more
Here is a photo of my containers with keys and a mnemonic phrase:
cu> gpg --output seed.gpg --recipient [email protected] -e seed.txt cu> ls CryptoUtils-0.2.1.jar seed.gpg seed.txt cu> shamir split 3 2 seed.gpg Done! cu> hex encode seed.shp-1 seed.shp-1.hex Done! cu> cat seed.shp-1.hex CE40898B7ECB74EE31FAADD192064B1DD501D8CBC17A74341241A62D11CF4F6B75E6916CE281CE5911C2E5278A4C5CC 177DDB77F9931FB19FACA0F30FDA00E3090D84CBA3B4C6B1CE62915DC1F5D88B66C332B29CCAAB7BC3495C2EADA05D9 ... cu> qr generate seed-2-qr.png 500 l f:seed.shp-2 Done cu> seed_to_base satoshi like gold goat goddess gold good goose gorilla gospel gossip govern gown
Instructions for building, a list of all commands and the use of some can be found in the Wiki
Be sure to double-check the correctness of the recovery and the overall operation of the program.