Following packages should be installed 0. python 3.11
- poetry
make init
source .venv/bin/activate
make install
Run app
make run
Open swagger
make swagger
Run linters and tests before commiting changes
make format
make test
make docker-build
make docker-up
minikube start
eval $(minikube docker-env)
make kube-run
To access the pod, forward the ports
kubectl port-forward bacapibara-api 8000
and checkout
create migration
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "message"
run migrations
make upgrade
rollback single migration
make downgrade
lets start the app with multiple consumers at the same time!
make 2 separate accounts
then send an announcement from user 1 to friends
we see rps goes up
in each consumer we see b'{"announcement": {"statement": {"content": "\\u041f\\u0440\\u0438\\u0432\\u0435\\u0442!"}, "by": 0, "at": "2023-05-23T02:01:10.862164"}, "to": 1}'
take a look at user 2 announcements, here they are!
lets spam for a bit. works great
database also stores the messages
actually both users see the messages
Using pretrained model GPT2 from hugging face we can host it in triton inference server
Then, using listening of websockets we make a bot to chat with.
Full dialogue is
(0): Hello my friend
(0): How are you?
(13): I'm a big fan of the new "The Walking Dead" series.
(0): The Moscow is a capital of
(13): vernacular Russian, and is the capital of the Russian Federation.
(0): The world i the place for
(13): ive been in the past.
(0): Whats the purpose of life
(13): ? The purpose of life is to be able to live a life of peace and harmony.
(0): Do you know how to write?
(13): I'm a writer.
(0): Will you be able to speak sometime?
(13): I'm not sure.
(0): How to write a good code?
(13): The best way to write code is to write it in a language that is easy to understand.
(0): 10h81h2h12eh901d290h9hdd
(13): _______________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(0): Ok but what about the main idea?
(13): The main idea is that you can create a new class that will be used to create a new class.
(0): What is python made for?
(13): Python is a programming language that is designed to be used in many different ways.
(0): You are so smart!
(13): You are so smart! You are so smart! You are so smart! You are so smart! You are so smart! You are so smart!
(0): Yeah, good bye!
(13): I'm going to be back in a few days.
(13): User left the chat