Ansible role for env
This role was prepared and tested for Ubuntu 16.04.
$ ansible-galaxy install iroquoisorg.env
To set global environment variables, use env_vars
variable in a following way:
VARIABLE: 'value'
OTHER_VARIABLE: 'some_value'
This role will update variables' value if necessary.
In case you want to narrow down visibility of your environment variables to only one user (for example: www-data) and not expose them to everyone use env_pam_users option to set it. Read more:
- { name: "www-data", "template": "pam-environment.www-data.j2" }
Or for multiple users:
- { name: "www-data", "template": "pam-environment.www-data.j2" }
- { name: "test-user", "template": "pam-environment.test-user.j2" }
Place environment variables in a pam-env file located in your templates folder. They get overwritten with every deploy.
env_hostname: ""
env_vars: {}
env_timezone: "Etc/UTC"
env_cron_jobs: [] # {job: "git status", name: "job name", user: "www-data", minute: "*", hour: "*", day: "*", weekday: "*", month: "*" }
env_hosts: [] # {ip: "", host: "localhost"}
env_cron_host: false
env_pam_users: []
Please check development guide for details about developing and testing this role.