Advanced Slides is a Plugin that lets you create markdown-based reveal.js presentations in Obsidian.
To create a horizontal slide use three dashes surrounded by two blank lines
# First slide
# Second Slide
To create vertical slides use two dashes surrounded by two blank lines
# First slide
# Vertical Slide
To create a custom themed slide deck simply add a theme property in the frontmatter section of your slides.
theme: night
By default advanced slides comes with a varity of diffrent themes:
- black (default)
- white
- league
- beige
- sky
- night
- serif
- simple
- solarized
- blood
- moon
- css/mattropolis.css
You can place custom themes in the plugin directory and load them from there:
theme: css/mattropolis.css
You can load custom themes directly from the Internet:
All you have learned so far about custom themes could be applied to highlight themes as well:
highlightTheme: monokai
By default advanced slides comes with a varity of diffrent highlight themes:
- zenburn (default)
- monokai
- css/vs2015.css
You can pass reveal options through frontmatter.
slideNumber: true
You can find an overview of all possible parameters here
You can use information from your notes in your presentation
# My Slide
You can embed sections from your notes into your presentation
# My Slide
![[MyFirstNote#My Title]]
You can pass style or class properties for an element by annotating it:
## Header with red background color <!-- .element: class="red" -->
Text without background color
Text with blue background color <!-- .element: style="background-color: blue;" -->
You can pass style or class properties for the whole slide by annotating it:
<!-- .slide: style="background-color: coral;" -->
# Slide with coral background color
<!-- .slide: style="background-color: green;" -->
# Slide with green background color
You can use block comments to group parts of your slide.
::: block
#### Header
Paragraph content
*in same block*
By annotating the block all items inside this block gets the properties of the annotation:
no color
::: block <!-- .element: style="background-color: red;" -->
everything inside this block has red background color
::: block <!-- .element: style="background-color: blue;" -->
no color
you may define css styles inside your markdown:
border: 1px solid red;
To use the defined style simply annotate an element with it
styled text <!-- .element: class="with-border" -->