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❗ Now we provide inferencing code and pre-training models. You could generate any text sounds you want.
⭐ The model training only uses the corpus of neutral emotion, and does not use any strongly emotional speech.
⭐ There are still great challenges in out-of-domain style transfer. Limited by the training corpus, it is difficult for the speaker-embedding or unsupervised style learning (like GST) methods to imitate the unseen data.
⭐ With the help of Unet network and AdaIN layer, our proposed algorithm has powerful speaker and style transfer capabilities.
😄 The authors are preparing simple, clear, and well-documented training process of Unet-TTS based on Aishell3. It contains:
- MFA-based duration alignment
- Multi-speaker TTS with speaker_embedding-Instance-Normalization, and this model provides pre-training Content Encoder.
- Unet-TTS training
- One-shot Voice cloning inference
- C++ inference
Stay tuned!
- Install the appropriate TensorFlow and tensorflow-addons versions according to CUDA version.
- The default is TensorFlow 2.6 and tensorflow-addons 0.14.0.
pip install TensorFlowTTS
- see file UnetTTS_syn.py or notebook
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python UnetTTS_syn.py
from UnetTTS_syn import UnetTTS
models_and_params = {"duration_param": "train/configs/unetts_duration.yaml",
"duration_model": "models/duration4k.h5",
"acous_param": "train/configs/unetts_acous.yaml",
"acous_model": "models/acous12k.h5",
"vocoder_param": "train/configs/multiband_melgan.yaml",
"vocoder_model": "models/vocoder800k.h5"}
feats_yaml = "train/configs/unetts_preprocess.yaml"
text2id_mapper = "models/unetts_mapper.json"
Tts_handel = UnetTTS(models_and_params, text2id_mapper, feats_yaml)
#text: input text
#src_audio: reference audio
#dur_stat: phoneme duration statistis to contraol speed rate
syn_audio, _, _ = Tts_handel.one_shot_TTS(text, src_audio, dur_stat)