This repository contains assignments and solutions to previous exams in the course [DCST1003( at [NTNU, Trondheim(
JS1 - Introduction to JavaScript
Getting to know basic JavaScript. Using prompts, simple if-statements and printing to divs.
JS2 - Decisions
Further use of if-statements and introduction to switch statements.
JS3 - Loops
Introduction to for and while loops.
JS4 - Functions
Simple use of functions to perform tasks. Better code structures.
JS5 - Arrays
Using arrays to store data to be used in the program.
JS7 - Events
Using events to make a small game.
JS8 - Containers
Using containers and arrays to make a simple makeshift version of a painting program.
JS9 - Package managers
Using git, node.js and electron to make a program that stores students and their emails in a JSON database.
JS10 - Database communication and use of multiple JS-files
A replication of JS9, except this time the script is communicating with a SQL database on the web.
JS11 - Functional algorythms
Using simple functions algorythms to simplify tasks.