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Week 119 Uue, Ununennium

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@ipatch ipatch released this 29 Mar 16:34

This release contains all commits from the winter-dev branch merged into this release branch, future updates will be made within a spring-dev branch.

Most Notable dotfile(s) Changes 👴🏻 reverse chronological order 👶

  • [vim] exp with color settings for ALE markers
  • [vim] setup custom filetype for JSON files with C language style comments
  • [tmux] removed extra space in window titles to prevent window titles from jumping around
  • [vscode] update theme to onedark
  • [fish] [rvm] setup hacky fish function for adding rvm bins to top of PATH in fish shell
  • [mpv] ongoing issue with keeping window on top of other application windows 🤷‍♂️

Most Notable dotfile(s) wiki Changes 👴🏻 reverse chronological order 👶

  • added note about using ls with xargs to remove all files but of a certain type (parameter, defined by hiding a specific file with ls)
  • [windows] disk cleanup can be used to remove the windows.old directory on a windows 10 upgrade / installation.
  • add a couple of notes for working with ripgrep rg
  • add a linux-unsorted section for quickly placing notes related to GNU+Linux
  • [vim] experimented with trying to navigate markdown documents using vim with ctags
  • [linuxbrew] add fix / workaround for updating an old linuxbrew install to a modern setup to remove erroneous output when updating
  • [rust] experiment with distributed A/V transcoding using rust with shepherd and ffmpeg
  • [git] add a note about working with git lfs
  • [vbox] add note about getting a sane scrolling experience with a windows 10 guest
  • [windows] add some basic choco commands