Uploads file to Zenodo.
A JavaScript library to create a new version of a Zenodo upload with a file.
Makes a draft copy of an existing Zenodo upload. After overwriting the file and version the upload is published.
Can be used to create a DOI for a updated data file. A Zenodo upload must already exist using this library.
npm install @iomeg/zenodo-upload
npx --package @iomeg/zenodo-upload zenodo_upload [--sandbox] [--no-checksum] <deposition_id> <file> <version> <access_token>
To create new version (1.2.3
) of https://zenodo.org/record/1234567 by uploading a local file called somefile
npx --package @iomeg/zenodo-upload zenodo_upload 1234567 somefile 1.2.3 sometoken
The sometoken
string has to be replaced with a valid Zenodo access token.
To create new version of https://zenodo.org/record/1234567.
Example usage using NodeJS:
const fs = require('fs');
const zenodo_upload = require('@iomeg/zenodo-upload').default;
const deposition_id = 1234567;
const filename = 'somefile.txt';
fs.writeFileSync(filename, 'sometext', 'utf8');
const version = '1.2.3';
const access_token = 'sometoken';
zenodo_upload(deposition_id, filename, version, access_token)
.then(r => console.log(`New zenodo entry ${r.doi} created`))
.catch(e => console.error(e))
Or in modern javascript
import fs from 'fs';
import zenodo_upload from '@iomeg/zenodo-upload';
const deposition_id = 1234567;
const filename = 'somefile.txt';
await fs.promises.writeFile(filename, 'sometext', 'utf8');
const version = '1.2.3';
const access_token = 'sometoken';
const result = await zenodo_upload(deposition_id, filename, version, access_token);
console.log(`New zenodo entry ${result.doi} created`);
To run the example code you will need a valid Zenodo access token and a deposition id that can be written to by that token.
To install dependencies:
yarn install
To run the project in development/watch mode. Your project will be rebuilt upon changes.
yarn start
To bundle the package to the dist folder.
yarn build
To runs the test watcher (Jest) in an interactive mode. By default, runs tests related to files changed since the last commit.
yarn test
To run linter and fix fixable errors.
yarn lint --fix
This project was bootstrapped with TSDX.
This project follows the fair-software-nl recommendations.