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OPDS Acquisition Selection 1.0


This specification describes how the Library Simplified applications select OPDS acquisitions for display and for acquiring books. The specification is described as executable Literate Haskell and can be executed and inspected directly using ghci. It attempts to answer two main questions:

  1. Given an OPDS feed entry consisting of one or more acquisitions, should the feed entry be displayed by a consuming application? That is, does the feed entry contain at least one acquisition that the application can support?

  2. Given an OPDS feed entry consisting of one or more acquisitions, if a consuming application could only choose one acquisition, which one should it choose?

This specification attempts to provide unambiguous answers to the two questions in order to ensure consistent behaviour across the various Library Simplified applications.

Typographic Conventions

Within this document, commands given at the GHCI prompt are prefixed with *OPDS> to indicate that the commands are being executed within the OPDS module.

The main specification definitions are given in the OPDS module:

{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010, ExplicitForAll #-}

module OPDS where

The specification depends on a simple immutable stack definition, and uses the standard Haskell Set data structure:

import Stack
import qualified Data.Set as DS


Within this specification, URI and MIME or Media type values are represented as simple strings. Real implementations typically use more involved data structures (such as

data MIMEType
  = MIMEType String
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data URI
  = URI String
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

OPDS link relations are given as a simple enumerated type:

data Relation
  = Borrow
  | Buy
  | Generic
  | OpenAccess
  | Sample
  | Subscribe
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)


An OPDS acquisition is an XML link element with zero or more indirect acquisition elements. An acquisition MUST specify a starting URI and MIME type, and each indirect acquisition MUST specify a MIME type. An acquisition a holding a URI u of MIME type t indicates that a client application may fetch an object of type t by making a request at u. Indirect acquisitions form a directed acyclic graph with an acquisition at the root. Indirect acquisitions do not carry URI values and therefore rely on client applications using some form of out-of-band mechanism to fetch the next object in the graph when traversing it. As a concrete example, a client may fetch an Adobe ACSM file directly from a URI via an acquisition, and this ACSM file can then be used by a third-party module to fetch data of a type specified in a subsequent indirect acquisition.

data IndirectAcquisition
  = IndirectAcquisition MIMEType [IndirectAcquisition]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data Acquisition
  = Acquisition Relation URI MIMEType [IndirectAcquisition]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

acquisitionRelation :: Acquisition -> Relation
acquisitionRelation (Acquisition r _ _ _) = r

acquisitionMime :: Acquisition -> MIMEType
acquisitionMime (Acquisition _ _ m _) = m

An acquisition path is a list of acquisitions (indirect or otherwise) through which an application must traverse in order to obtain the desired target object. For example, an application may traverse through an OPDS acquisition feed entry, followed by an Adobe ACSM file, finally obtaining an encrypted EPUB file.

data AcquisitionPathElement
  = AcquisitionPathElement MIMEType (Maybe URI)
  deriving (Eq, Show)

acquisitionPathMime :: AcquisitionPathElement -> MIMEType
acquisitionPathMime (AcquisitionPathElement m _) = m

data AcquisitionPath
  = AcquisitionPath [AcquisitionPathElement]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

This specification defines a couple of convenience functions for prefixing elements to acquisition paths, and for extracting the MIME types of all of the elements of the path in declaration order:

prefixPathWithElement :: AcquisitionPathElement -> AcquisitionPath -> AcquisitionPath
prefixPathWithElement e (AcquisitionPath xs) = AcquisitionPath $ [e] ++ xs

prefixPathWith :: MIMEType -> (Maybe URI) -> AcquisitionPath -> AcquisitionPath
prefixPathWith mime uri = prefixPathWithElement (AcquisitionPathElement mime uri)

mimeTypesOf :: AcquisitionPath -> [MIMEType]
mimeTypesOf (AcquisitionPath e) = map acquisitionPathMime e

An OPDS acquisition feed entry contains zero or more acquisitions along with an identifier that uniquely identifies the entry. The identifier is not important to this specification, but is represented here as a string value in order to more easily identify the example entries given later in this specification.

data FeedEntry
  = FeedEntry String [Acquisition]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

feedEntryAcquisitions :: FeedEntry -> [Acquisition]
feedEntryAcquisitions (FeedEntry _ a) = a

Example Acquisitions

The following acquisition provides a single, directly-accessible EPUB file:

<link href=""

The following acquisition provides an OPDS acquisition feed that will lead to an Adobe ACSM file, that can lead to either an encrypted PDF file or an encrypted EPUB file:

<link href="" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;relation=entry;profile=opds-catalog">
  <opds:indirectAcquisition type="application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml">
    <opds:indirectAcquisition type="application/epub+zip"/>
    <opds:indirectAcquisition type="application/pdf"/>

Acquisition Relation Filtering

Not all applications support all of the available OPDS link relation types. Applications SHOULD filter out acquisitions contain links relations not supported by the application in question whilst preserving the order of acquisitions as declared in the OPDS feed entry.

isSupportedRelation :: DS.Set Relation -> Acquisition -> Bool
isSupportedRelation r a = DS.member (acquisitionRelation a) r

filterBySupportedRelations :: DS.Set Relation -> [Acquisition] -> [Acquisition]
filterBySupportedRelations relations = filter (isSupportedRelation relations)

Linearized Acquisitions

Applications SHOULD linearize the tree of acquisitions, preserving the order of acquisitions as declared in the originating OPDS feed. This is achieved by performing a depth-first traversal over the tree of acquisitions, maintaining a stack of the elements that lead to the current acquisition, and producing a list of elements at each leaf node.

indirectPathsInner :: Stack AcquisitionPathElement -> IndirectAcquisition -> [AcquisitionPath]
indirectPathsInner st (IndirectAcquisition mime [])  =
  [AcquisitionPath $ (stackList st) ++ [AcquisitionPathElement mime Nothing]]
indirectPathsInner st (IndirectAcquisition mime ixs) =
  let st' = stackPush st (AcquisitionPathElement mime Nothing) in
    concatMap (indirectPathsInner st') ixs

indirectPaths :: IndirectAcquisition -> [AcquisitionPath]
indirectPaths = indirectPathsInner (Stack [])

acquisitionPaths :: Acquisition -> [AcquisitionPath]
acquisitionPaths (Acquisition _ uri mime []) =
  [AcquisitionPath [AcquisitionPathElement mime $ Just uri]]
acquisitionPaths (Acquisition _ uri mime indirects) =
  let iPaths = concatMap indirectPaths indirects in
    map (prefixPathWith mime (Just uri)) iPaths

acquisitionPathsAll :: [Acquisition] -> [AcquisitionPath]
acquisitionPathsAll = concatMap acquisitionPaths

acquisitionPathsFeedEntry :: FeedEntry -> [AcquisitionPath]
acquisitionPathsFeedEntry (FeedEntry _ xs) = acquisitionPathsAll xs

Linearization Examples

This section makes use of a ShowablePretty class used to more concisely display acquisition paths.

class ShowablePretty a where
  showPretty :: a -> String

instance ShowablePretty AcquisitionPathElement where
  showPretty (AcquisitionPathElement (MIMEType mime) Nothing)          = mime
  showPretty (AcquisitionPathElement (MIMEType mime) (Just (URI uri))) = "(" ++ mime ++ "," ++ uri ++ ")"

instance ShowablePretty AcquisitionPath where
  showPretty (AcquisitionPath [])       = ""
  showPretty (AcquisitionPath (x : xs)) =
    if length xs > 0
    then (showPretty x) ++ " -> " ++ (showPretty $ AcquisitionPath xs)
    else showPretty x

The following is a list of example URIs and MIME types used in the examples:

uriOpen :: URI
uriOpen = URI ""
uriBorrow :: URI
uriBorrow = URI ""
uriFulfill :: URI
uriFulfill = URI ""

mimePDF :: MIMEType
mimePDF = MIMEType "application/pdf"
mimeEPUB :: MIMEType
mimeEPUB = MIMEType "application/epub+zip"
mimePlain :: MIMEType
mimePlain = MIMEType "text/plain"
mimeACSM :: MIMEType
mimeACSM = MIMEType "application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml"
mimeOPDS :: MIMEType
mimeOPDS = MIMEType "application/atom+xml;relation=entry;profile=opds-catalog"
mimeHTML :: MIMEType
mimeHTML = MIMEType "text/html"

A trivial example that shows a single open access EPUB accessible directly without the use of any indirect acquisitions:

exampleAcqOpen0 :: Acquisition
exampleAcqOpen0 = Acquisition OpenAccess uriOpen mimeEPUB []
exampleFeedOpenAccess0 :: FeedEntry
exampleFeedOpenAccess0 =
  FeedEntry "dae12801-6b76-4a36-825d-a385c045e0b4" [exampleAcqOpen0]

The linearization of this feed entry shows a single acquisition path:

*OPDS> map showPretty $ acquisitionPathsFeedEntry exampleFeedOpenAccess0

A more complex example that shows two possible acquisition paths, both of which require obtaining an Adobe ACSM file and will yield either an encrypted PDF file or an encrypted EPUB file. Note that the EPUB file is specified earlier in the entry, and so appears earlier in the output paths.

exampleAdobePDF0 :: Acquisition
exampleAdobePDF0 =
  Acquisition Generic uriFulfill mimeACSM [IndirectAcquisition mimePDF []]
exampleAdobeEPUB0 :: Acquisition
exampleAdobeEPUB0 =
  Acquisition Generic uriFulfill mimeACSM [IndirectAcquisition mimeEPUB []]
exampleFeedAdobeIndirect0 :: FeedEntry
exampleFeedAdobeIndirect0 =
  FeedEntry "d5e47d8e-4569-424c-900c-e2720f10f7d0" [exampleAdobeEPUB0, exampleAdobePDF0]
*OPDS> map showPretty $ acquisitionPathsFeedEntry exampleFeedAdobeIndirect0
["(application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml, -> application/epub+zip",
 "(application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml, -> application/pdf"]

Another complex example that shows four possible acquisition paths. Three of the paths require first going through an OPDS acquisition feed entry, followed by an Adobe ACSM file, and will yield either a PDF, EPUB, or plain text file. The other path fetches an HTML file directly.

exampleHTML0 :: Acquisition
exampleHTML0 = Acquisition OpenAccess uriOpen mimeHTML []

exampleMulti0 :: Acquisition
exampleMulti0 =
  Acquisition Borrow uriBorrow mimeOPDS [
    IndirectAcquisition mimeACSM [IndirectAcquisition mimePDF []],
    IndirectAcquisition mimeACSM [IndirectAcquisition mimeEPUB []],
    IndirectAcquisition mimeACSM [IndirectAcquisition mimePlain []]

exampleFeedMulti0 :: FeedEntry
exampleFeedMulti0 =
  FeedEntry "c736c012-2c93-49e5-94ed-9acfa1a0f846" [exampleMulti0, exampleHTML0]
*OPDS> map showPretty $ acquisitionPathsFeedEntry exampleFeedMulti0
["(application/atom+xml;relation=entry;profile=opds-catalog, -> application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml -> application/pdf",
 "(application/atom+xml;relation=entry;profile=opds-catalog, -> application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml -> application/epub+zip",
 "(application/atom+xml;relation=entry;profile=opds-catalog, -> application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml -> text/plain",

Acquisition Path Filtering

Applications are often unable to support one or more data types delivered by OPDS acquisition feed entries. An application may support a given acquisition path P if the application supports each and every MIME type given by mimeTypesOf P.

pathSupportedByType :: DS.Set MIMEType -> AcquisitionPath -> Bool
pathSupportedByType supported path = all (\t -> DS.member t supported) (mimeTypesOf path)

Applications MUST filter unsupported acquisition paths whilst preserving the declaration order of those paths as they appeared in the original OPDS feed entry. Applications MAY provide extra filtering of acquisition paths beyond that specified here as long as the declaration order of paths remains preserved.

pathsSupportedByType :: DS.Set MIMEType -> [AcquisitionPath] -> [AcquisitionPath]
pathsSupportedByType supported = filter (pathSupportedByType supported)

entryPathsSupportedByType :: DS.Set MIMEType -> FeedEntry -> [AcquisitionPath]
entryPathsSupportedByType supported entry = pathsSupportedByType supported (acquisitionPathsFeedEntry entry)

The preservation of the declaration order of acquisition paths in feeds allows for OPDS servers to effectively set the preferred acquisitions for clients; acquisitions that the server hopes clients will use the most should be declared first in the feed. Applications SHOULD use the first element of the list of filtered acquisition paths as the default choice for obtaining an object from an OPDS feed.

Acquisition Path Filtering Example

An application with no supported MIME types reports no acquisition paths:

*OPDS> entryPathsSupportedByType DS.empty exampleFeedMulti0

An application that does not support Adobe ACSM files reports only one acquisition path:

*OPDS> map showPretty $ entryPathsSupportedByType (DS.fromList [mimeOPDS, mimePDF, mimeEPUB, mimePlain, mimeHTML]) exampleFeedMulti0

Application Support

An application, in this specification, consists of a set of supported OPDS link relations, a set of supported MIME types, and a function that may provide extended filtering of acquisition paths.

data Application
  = Application (DS.Set Relation) (DS.Set MIMEType) (AcquisitionPath -> Bool)

appSupportedRelations :: Application -> DS.Set Relation
appSupportedRelations (Application r _ _) = r

appSupportedMIMETypes :: Application -> DS.Set MIMEType
appSupportedMIMETypes (Application _ m _) = m

appPathFilter :: Application -> (AcquisitionPath -> Bool)
appPathFilter (Application _ _ f) = f

Combining all of the rules so far yields functions that, given an application and an OPDS feed entry, can determine if an OPDS feed entry should be displayed, and which single OPDS acquisition should be used by default (if any).

appEntrySupportedPaths :: Application -> FeedEntry -> [AcquisitionPath]
appEntrySupportedPaths app entry =
    supportedByRelation = filterBySupportedRelations (appSupportedRelations app) (feedEntryAcquisitions entry)
    supportedLinear     = acquisitionPathsAll supportedByRelation
    supportedByType     = pathsSupportedByType (appSupportedMIMETypes app) supportedLinear
    filter (appPathFilter app) supportedByType

appShouldDisplay :: Application -> FeedEntry -> Bool
appShouldDisplay app entry = length (appEntrySupportedPaths app entry) > 0

appPreferredAcquisitionPath :: Application -> FeedEntry -> Maybe AcquisitionPath
appPreferredAcquisitionPath app entry =
  let available = appEntrySupportedPaths app entry in
    if length available > 0
    then Just $ head available
    else Nothing

Example Application Support

The Library Simplified Vanilla Android application supports EPUB files, PDF files, and various audio book formats, but does not support Adobe DRM. It supports a limited set of OPDS link relations. Audio book formats are omitted here for brevity.

exampleAppRelations :: DS.Set Relation
exampleAppRelations = DS.fromList [Borrow, Generic, OpenAccess]

exampleAppVanillaTypes :: DS.Set MIMEType
exampleAppVanillaTypes = DS.fromList [mimePDF, mimeEPUB, mimeOPDS]

exampleAppVanilla :: Application
exampleAppVanilla =
  Application exampleAppRelations exampleAppVanillaTypes (const True)

The NYPL's SimplyE Android application supports EPUB files, PDF files, and various audio book formats, and supports Adobe DRM (but not for PDF files). Audio book formats are omitted here for brevity.

exampleNoAdobePDF :: AcquisitionPath -> Bool
exampleNoAdobePDF path =
 let types = DS.fromList $ mimeTypesOf path in
   if DS.member mimePDF types
   then not $ DS.member mimeACSM types
   else True

exampleAppSimplyETypes :: DS.Set MIMEType
exampleAppSimplyETypes = DS.fromList [mimePDF, mimeEPUB, mimeOPDS, mimeACSM]

exampleAppSimplyE :: Application
exampleAppSimplyE =
  Application exampleAppRelations exampleAppSimplyETypes exampleNoAdobePDF

The Vanilla application, lacking DRM support, does not support the OPDS feed entry from earlier, whilst the SimplyE application does. The SimplyE application selects the non-PDF acquisition by default, as it does not support encrypted PDF files.

*OPDS> appShouldDisplay exampleAppVanilla exampleFeedMulti0

*OPDS> appShouldDisplay exampleAppSimplyE exampleFeedMulti0

*OPDS> fmap showPretty $ appPreferredAcquisitionPath exampleAppSimplyE exampleFeedMulti0
Just "(application/atom+xml;relation=entry;profile=opds-catalog, -> application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml -> application/epub+zip"


OPDS Acquisition Selection






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