peeper is designed to parse Nessus reports that detect webservers, and take screen shots of the parsed report.
- PhantomJS 1.9+
- Fonts to render text with PhantomJS (an issue for servers/headless systems, not usually installed)
- Python
That would be Tim Tomes(@LaNMaSter53)), I've just taken the idea and made it very specific to Nessus reports. If you want to see his code, check it out here.
- Put and capture.js in the bin/ directory in your PhantomJS install, or make sure PhantomJS is in your path, your choice. (You'll need to edit the subprocess command if you use the latter option.)
- Feed it a Nessus report file: ./ testing_report.nessus
- Visit the resulting directory 'testing_report', and look at the index.html for thumbnails, and click for full size images
- 2013-04-03 Merged in changes that will allow for a graceful failure on a 401