Data Structure and Algorithms Problems(DSA).
Step 1:
Clone Repository:
git clone
|- Arrays
|- FibonacciSeries
|- Queue
|- Stack_using_queue
|- Searching
|- Finding_Max
|- Finding_Min
|- Searching_Element
|- Sorting
|- Heap_Sort
|- Insertion_sort
|- Quick_Sort
|- Stack
|- Balancing_parentheses
|- Queue_using_stack
|- Sort_an_array_using_stack
|- Strings
|- RemoveSpaces
New DS and Algo are welcome
Step 1:
Fork Repository
Click on the Fork
Step 2:
Clone Forked repository Repository
git clone [Forked Repo link]
Step 3:
Make Necessary Changes
Step 4:
Syncing a Forked Repository with Upstream
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
Step 5:
Push Changes to Forked Repository
git push
Step 6:
Create Merge Request
By navigating to Create New Merge request