Invariant protocol is an AMM built on Vara Network, leveraging high capital efficiency and the ability to list markets in a permissionless manner. At the core of the DEX is the Concentrated Liquidity mechanism, designed to handle tokens compatible with the gFT(ERC-20) standard.
- Rust & Cargo (rustup)
- Install required packages
- Configure Rust toolchain
- Install Gear node
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
sudo apt install -y build-essential clang cmake curl
rustup install 1.78
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain 1.78
cargo install wasm-opt --locked
in release mode
chmod +x ./
for tests
chmod +x ./
./ dev
chmod +x ./
run it in the desired location as dev
path/to/node/gear --dev
or run it through CI in sdk folder
cargo xtask node
npm run node:local
To build SDK go to the dedicated folder SDK
- Build sdk
chmod +x ./
- Run sdk tests
chmod +x ./