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Christian Esteve Rothenberg edited this page Dec 12, 2019 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the Mininet-WiFi Wiki

About Mininet-WiFi

Mininet-WiFi is a fork of Mininet ( which allows the using of both WiFi Stations and Access Points. Mininet-WiFi only add wifi features and you can work with it like you were working with Mininet.

Mininet-WiFi Documentation and Web/Wiki

The Mininet-WiFi Book In Portuguese and English, «Printed» and «E-book» versions.
«FREE» Get the first two chapters (100 out of 235 pages»).

The Mininet-WiFi Book

Mailing List!forum/mininet-wifi-discuss


step 1: $ sudo apt-get install git
step 2: $ git clone
step 3: $ cd mininet-wifi
step 4: $ sudo util/ -Wnfvl


Note on Ubuntu OS and NetworkManager

Mininet-WiFi should work fine in any Ubuntu distribution from 14.04, but in some cases (only if you have problems when starting it) you have to stop NetworkManager with stop network-manager (you can also use sudo systemctl stop network-manager or sudo service network-manager stop).


You can create or edit any wiki page if you have a GitHub account. We encourage everyone to fix errors and to add valuable documentation, FAQ entries, and other content. We welcome code and issue contributions via Github!


Ramon dos Reis Fontes ([email protected])
Christian Rodolfo Esteve Rothenberg ([email protected])