Predixy 中文版
Predixy is a high performance and fully featured proxy for redis sentinel and redis cluster
- High performance and lightweight.
- Multi-threads support.
- Works on Linux, OSX, BSD, Windows(Cygwin).
- Supports Redis Sentinel, single/multi redis group[s].
- Supports Redis Cluster.
- Supports redis block command, eg:blpop, brpop, brpoplpush.
- Supports scan command, even multi redis instances.
- Multi-keys command support: mset/msetnx/mget/del/unlink/touch/exists.
- Multi-databases support, means redis command select is avaliable.
- Supports redis transaction, limit in Redis Sentinel single redis group.
- Supports redis Scripts, script load, eval, evalsha.
- Supports redis Pub/Sub.
- Multi-DataCenters support, read from slaves.
- Extend AUTH, readonly/readwrite/admin permission, keyspace limit.
- Log level sample, async log record.
- Log file auto rotate by time and/or file size.
- Stats info, CPU/Memory/Requests/Responses and so on.
- Latency monitor.
Predixy can be compiled and used on Linux, OSX, BSD, Windows(Cygwin). Requires C++11 compiler.
It is as simple as:
$ make
To build in debug mode:
$ make debug
Some other build options:
- CXX=c++compiler, default is g++, you can specify other, eg:CXX=clang++
- EV=epoll|poll|kqueue, default it is auto detect according by platform.
- MT=false, disable multi-threads support.
- TS=true, enable predixy function call time stats, debug only for developer.
For examples:
$ make CXX=clang++
$ make EV=poll
$ make MT=false
$ make debug MT=false TS=true
Just copy src/predixy to the install path
$ cp src/predixy /path/to/bin
See below files:
- predixy.conf, basic config, will refrence below config files.
- cluster.conf, Redis Cluster backend config.
- sentinel.conf, Redis Sentinel backend config.
- auth.conf, authority control config.
- dc.conf, multi-datacenters config.
- latency.conf, latency monitor config.
$ src/predixy conf/predixy.conf
With default predixy.conf, Predixy will listen at and proxy to Redis Cluster In general, is not running in Redis Cluster mode. So you will look mass log output, but you can still test it with redis-cli.
$ redis-cli -p 7617 info
More command line arguments:
$ src/predixy -h
Like redis, predixy use INFO command to give stats.
Show predixy running info and latency monitors
redis> INFO
Show latency monitors by latency name
redis> INFO Latency <latency-name>
A latency monitor example:
latency(us) sum(us) counts
<= 100 3769836 91339 91.34%
<= 200 777185 5900 97.24%
<= 300 287565 1181 98.42%
<= 400 185891 537 98.96%
<= 500 132773 299 99.26%
<= 600 85050 156 99.41%
<= 700 85455 133 99.54%
<= 800 40088 54 99.60%
<= 1000 67788 77 99.68%
> 1000 601012 325 100.00%
T 60 6032643 100001
The last line is total summary, 60 is average latency(us)
Show latency monitors by server address and latency name
redis> INFO ServerLatency <server-address> [latency-name]
Reset all stats and latency monitors, require admin permission.
redis> CONFIG ResetStat
- Local Redis instance running on default port (6379)
- C++11 compiler
- Make
- Use Homebrew to install Redis in a single instance mode with cluster mode disabled to test your changes locally
$ brew install redis
- Start Redis
$ brew services start redis
- Verify your local Redis is running:
$ redis-cli -h -p 6379 ping
Should return "PONG"
$ redis-cli -h -p 6379 info
Will return info about the Redis instance, if required for debugging
Note, logs for Redis installed by Brew will appear in /opt/homebrew/var/log/redis.log
by default.
- Compile Predixy:
$ make
This will create object files and the executable in the src
- Verify your local Redis is running:
$ redis-cli -h -p 6379 ping
Should return "PONG"
- Start Predixy using the local configuration:
$ src/predixy conf/predixy_local.conf
You should see output indicating Predixy is listening on
- Test the connection through Predixy:
# Basic connectivity test
$ redis-cli -h -p 7617 ping
# Check Predixy status
$ redis-cli -h -p 7617 info
# Test read/write operations
$ redis-cli -h -p 7617 set test "Hello via Predixy"
$ redis-cli -h -p 7617 get test
- To stop Predixy:
$ pkill -f predixy
- Create directories for each Redis node (we'll use 3 nodes):
$ mkdir -p redis-cluster/{7000,7001,7002}
- Create Redis configuration for each node. First for port 7000:
$ cat > redis-cluster/7000/redis.conf << EOL
port 7000
cluster-enabled yes
cluster-config-file nodes-7000.conf
cluster-node-timeout 5000
appendonly yes
dir ./
daemonize no
- Copy and adjust configuration for other nodes:
$ cp redis-cluster/7000/redis.conf redis-cluster/7001/redis.conf
$ cp redis-cluster/7000/redis.conf redis-cluster/7002/redis.conf
$ sed -i '' 's/7000/7001/g' redis-cluster/7001/redis.conf
$ sed -i '' 's/7000/7002/g' redis-cluster/7002/redis.conf
- Start each Redis instance (in separate terminal windows):
$ redis-server redis-cluster/7000/redis.conf
$ redis-server redis-cluster/7001/redis.conf
$ redis-server redis-cluster/7002/redis.conf
- Create the cluster:
$ redis-cli --cluster create --cluster-replicas 0
Type 'yes' when prompted to accept the configuration.
- Verify cluster status:
$ redis-cli -p 7000 cluster nodes
- Start Predixy with the cluster configuration:
$ src/predixy conf/predixy_cluster.conf
- Test the cluster setup through Predixy:
# Basic connectivity test
$ redis-cli -p 7617 set test "Hello Cluster"
$ redis-cli -p 7617 get test
# Check Predixy cluster status
$ redis-cli -p 7617 info
When done testing, you can:
- Stop Predixy (Ctrl+C or
pkill predixy
) - Stop each Redis instance (Ctrl+C in each terminal)
- Remove cluster files:
rm -rf redis-cluster
Note: The cluster setup distributes keys across all nodes using hash slots. Each node in this setup handles approximately 5461 hash slots (16384/3 slots per node).
- Predixy will be listening on port 7617 while your Redis instance remains on 6379
- The configuration in
is set up for a single local Redis instance - Build artifacts (*.o files) are ignored by git but can be safely kept for development
- Logs will appear in stdout by default
predixy is fast, how fast? more than twemproxy, codis, redis-cerberus
See wiki benchmark
Copyright (C) 2017 Joyield, Inc. <>
All rights reserved.
License under BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License