Google Authenticator implementation in grails.
This is super-alpha code and it requires a lot of documentation and tests, but I thought I would share it for now. The setup is simple.
authenticator.hostname = "" // the that will be appended if an email is not passed in getUser
authenticator.sessionVariableName = "authenticator"
authenticator.issuerName = "SomeIssuer"
authenticator.enabled = true // if the authentiator is enabled or not
authenticator.useSession = true // expire the authenticator with the session, if this is not set
authenticator.expireDays = 30 // the user will have to re-authenticate in this many days
authenticator.excludeControllers = ['someController','login','logout'] // authenticator/* is added automatically
// example of getUser, hacky
authenticator.getUser = {
def grailsApplication = new User().domainClass.grailsApplication
def ctx = grailsApplication.mainContext