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Mixed Cluster, Integration test of legacy Cardano SL and Byron rewrite node

cardano-node-wiki edited this page Jan 12, 2024 · 2 revisions

CI shall be running for every commit a test on a mixed cluster of legacy Cardano SL nodes ( and new nodes from Byron-rewrite (this repo: The two worlds are interconnected using the Byron proxy ( Either side can initiate transactions and mint blocks.


     |               |               |
+----v----+     +----v----+     +----v----+
|         |     |         |     |         |
| legacy  |     | legacy  |     | legacy  |
| CSL     |     | CSL     |     | CSL     |
|         |     |         |     |         |
+---------+     +----+----+     +---------+
                |         |
                |  Byron  |
                |  proxy  |
                |         |
 +---------+    +----+----+    +---------+
 |         |    |         |    |         |
 |  new    |    |  new    |    |  new    |
 |  node   |    |  node   |    |  node   |
 |         |    |         |    |         |
 +----+----+    +----+----+    +----+----+
      ^              ^              ^
      |              |              |

Running the test

<.. tbd ..>

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