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Releases: inlight-media/lighthouse-ios


19 Nov 23:50
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1.9 Pre-release


28 Oct 00:59
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  • Removed dependency on "bluetooth-central" background mode
  • Removed dependency on "location" background mode
  • Exits are now a bit slower to register (~45 seconds from tests). Enters still appear close to immediate. It also can take several minutes for updates to begin registering after you restart your device.
  • Fix for enabling lighthouse if it is disabled from server settings or loss of internet connection and the app is reopened

Note: It is important to remove these background modes as apps are being rejected from Apple for having them if they don't specifically need them for other functions in their app.


15 Oct 22:47
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Release 1.7

+ Added "(BOOL)isLocationPermissionAuthorized" method to check if
location permission has been authorised
+ Added "(BOOL)isBluetoothOn" method to check if bluetooth is enabled
+ Added "(void)promptBluetooth" method to ask user to turn on bluetooth
if they haven't already (use in combination with above check)
+ Added "(void)unload" method to completely reset Lighthouse back to
factory defaults
+ Improved "launch" method flow with improved logging when a user
hasn't enabled location / bluetooth yet. Call launch in your
applicationDidLaunch then just ask for permissions when needed.
+ Further updates for iOS 8 support
+ Stability updates
+ Now supports Minimum Deployment Target of 5.1
+ The distance value for ranged beacons will update faster when in
Immediate distance to the beacon, giving a value of 0 rather than
relying on RSSI values.
+ Updated installation instructions
+ Updated example application


15 Oct 06:02
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Release 1.6

+ Update to support iOS 8 "registerForRemoteNotifications" as they have
deprecated "registerForRemoteNotificationTypes"


15 Oct 06:01
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Release 1.5

- iOS 8 background location authorization


15 Oct 06:01
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Release 1.4

+ Added ability to read and subscribe to Lighthouse SDK server
settings, in particular whether the SDK should be enabled or not. When
the SDK is disabled non of the SDK commands will perform functionality.
This means you can include the SDK in a release of your app with it
disabled on the server and then in the future you can update the server
to enabled and the SDK will begin to perform desired functionality.


15 Oct 06:01
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Release 1.3

+ Added iOS 6 graceful support. Those experiencing issues with their
app building to iOS 6 devices should no longer receive errors. iOS 6
however doesn't support iBeacons so the SDK should silently do nothing
on those devices.

+ Added - (BOOL)doesDeviceSupportBeacons; method to allow you to check
at runtime whether the OS and device supports beacons. This should
allow you to check in advance whether you want to activate certain
functionality/behaviours in your app.

+ Improved log messages for unsupported devices when running "launch"
method in the Lighthouse SDK. You will receive "iBeacon is not
supported on this device. Lighthouse cannot monitor beacons. List of
iBeacon supported devices:" log
message in your console (if logging enabled) for unsupported devices.


15 Oct 06:00
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Release 1.2

+ Added ability to send campaign action analytic using
"campaignActioned:". See "Campaign Actions" section above.
+ You no longer specify uuids in the configuration stage, they are now
automatically downloaded from the API on app launch. This means you can
change which beacons you monitor remotely, no more hardcoding.
+ Additionally we've added the functionality for you to be able to
disable the whole Lighthouse SDK remotely and for it to be done on
certain app versions or SDK versions. This will enable you to manage
your apps remotely if you no longer want the SDK to run within certain
versions of your app. At the moment there is no GUI to do this
yourself, please contact us at [email protected] if you'd like
this to take place.
+ Updated example project