NanoPoW is an implementation of the proof-of-work used by Nano. That supports CPU and GPU (currently only OpenCL).
func main() {
nanopow.GenerateWork([]byte{/** PREVIOUS HASH **/}, nanopow.V1BaseDifficult)
By default, we always uses CPU. If GPU is available, it will use CPU and GPU, combined.
By default, we don't support GPU. You need to enable it using the "build tags", when build use:
go build -tags cl
Currently the only available option is OpenCL ("cl" tag).
By default, we use the first detected opencl-compatible GPU. To change this or to use multiple GPUs you can create your own work pool.
Here's an example using all of the GPUs
// Using
platforms, err := opencl.GetPlatforms()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var platform opencl.Platform
var name string
pool := nanopow.NewPool()
for _, curPlatform := range platforms {
err = curPlatform.GetInfo(opencl.PlatformName, &name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var devices []opencl.Device
devices, err = curPlatform.GetDevices(opencl.DeviceTypeAll)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, device := range devices {
gpu, gpuErr := nanopow.NewWorkerGPU(device)
if gpuErr == nil {
pool.Workers = append(pool.Workers, gpu)
} else {
fmt.Printf("\n⚠️ Unable to use GPU %v", gpuErr)
// Generate work
pool.GenerateWork(hash, difficulty)
I don't have an huge amount of data to compare and limited devices to test against. Some devices doesn't supports OpenCL. All times are using the V1 difficulty.
Device | OS | CPU-Only | CPU + OpenCL |
Samsung Galaxy S20+ | Android | ~9.62 seg | Untested |
Blackberry KeyOne | Android | ~36.7 seg | Untested |
R9 3900X + RX 5700XT | Windows | ~0.66 seg | ~0.27 seg |
Currently we only support OpenCL, which is not natively supported by some devices. I have some plans to add some support for OpenGL, OpenGLES or Vulkan. Seems that Vulkan Compute, if possible, is the best solution since it's compatible with Windows, Linux and Android.
Pull requests are welcome.