The Go Distribution CNB delivers the Go binary distribution essential for executing Go tooling. This buildpack seamlessly installs the Go binary distribution onto the $PATH
, ensuring its accessibility for subsequent buildpacks. Leveraging this distribution, buildpacks can effortlessly execute Go tooling tasks, including the compilation of Go application binaries.
The Go Distribution CNB serves as a supplier of Go as a dependency. Subsequent buildpacks, such as Go Mod, can specify the requirement for the Go dependency by generating a Build Plan TOML file structured similarly to the following:
# The dependency name is "go," an integral part of the buildpack's public API,
# ensuring stability unless deprecated.
name = "go"
# The version of the Go dependency is optional. If not specified, the buildpack
# defaults to the version indicated in the buildpack.toml file.
# To request a specific version, utilize semver constraints such as "1.*", "1.13.*",
# or even "1.13.9".
version = "1.13.9"
# The Go buildpack offers additional non-mandatory metadata options.
# Enabling the build flag ensures the Go dependency is accessible
# on the $PATH for subsequent buildpacks during their build phase.
# Set this flag to true if your buildpack requires Go during its build process.
build = true
# Enabling the launch flag ensures the Go dependency is available
# on the $PATH for the running application.
# Set this flag to true if your application needs to execute Go at runtime.
launch = true
To package this buildpack for distribution:-
$ ./scripts/
By default, the build script packages the buildpack's Go source using GOOS=linux. You can specify another value as the first argument to
To configure the Go version, utilize the BP_GO_VERSION environment variable during build time, either directly (e.g., pack build my-app --env BP_GO_VERSION=~1.14.1) or through a project.toml file.` file](