A simple ticket management application.
Register a new user defaults to customer. Login as admin to manage users.
[email protected] / password
[email protected] / password
[email protected] / password
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
React 15.4.2
Ruby 2.4.0
Rails 5.0.2
Mysql 5.7.17
Setup application, create database and seed initial data to play with.
mysql start
rails s
open localhost:3000
Write process to deploy ie
heroku create
heroku addons:create cleardb:ignite
git push heroku master
heroku run rake db:migrate db:seed
Run all tests
Run frontend and backend tests separately
rake spec:javascripts
Some of possible things to add in the future
- landing page
- onboarding
- UI/UX & design
- notifications (app, email, desktop)
- ...
- caching
- background jobs
- websockets
- more security (authorization, ssl, ...)
- multitenancy
- docker
- ...
Awesome.Support © 2017, Ingenuine. Released under the [MIT] License.
GitHub @ingenuine · Twitter @ingenuine