The MySQL Infusion UDF is a functionality enhancement for MySQL. It provides a variety of new string, math and aggregate functions.
Please make sure you have the following required software on your system before installation:
- C and C++ compiler
- MySQL server, client and development files
apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev build-essential
Debian (uses MariaDB)
apt-get install default-libmysqlclient-dev build-essential
On CentOS / Fedora
yum install libtool
yum install mysql-community-devel
To install MySQL Infusion UDF:
git clone
cd udf_infusion
sudo make install
mysql <options> < load.sql
You can choose to install only given UDF functions with the
./configure --enable-functions="<list-of-functions>"
where <list-of-functions>
is a list of function names separated by space.
To uninstall:
mysql <options> < unload.sql
make uninstall
Get the median of a set
double median(double n);
mysql> SELECT median(weight) from t1;
Calculate the co-variance of two random variables
double covariance(double x, double y);
mysql> SELECT covariance(a, b) from t1;
Calculate the correlation of two random variables
double corr(double x, double y);
mysql> SELECT corr(a, b) from t1;
Get the first element of a group
string group_first(string s);
mysql> SELECT group_first(s) from t1;
Get the last element of a group
string group_last(string s);
mysql> SELECT group_last(s) from t1;
Get the maximum number of elements less than a certain partial sum
int lesspart(double m, double psum);
mysql> SELECT lesspart(m, 1000) from t1;
Get the maximum number of elements less than a certain percentage of the partial sum
int lesspartpct(double m, double pct);
mysql> SELECT lesspartpct(m, 0.4) from t1;
Get the maximum number of elements less than average
int lessavg(double m);
mysql> SELECT lessavg(double m) from t1;
Calculate continuous percentile. Returns the value at a relative position specified by the fraction, interpolating between input values if needed.
double percentile_cont(double x, double fraction);
mysql> SELECT percentile_cont(x, 0.5) from t1;
Calculate discrete percentile. Returns the first input value whose relative position is greater than or equal to the specified fraction.
double percentile_disc(double x, double fraction);
mysql> SELECT percentile_disc(x, 0.5) from t1;
Calculates the 3th statistical moment of a data set: skewness See:
double skewness(double m);
mysql> SELECT skewness(double m) from t1;
Find statistical mode, i.e. the most frequent input value.
double stats_mode(double x);
mysql> SELECT stats_mode(double x) from t1;
Calculates the 4th statistical moment of a data set: kurtosis See:
double kurtosis(double m);
mysql> SELECT kurtosis(double m) from t1;
A running SUM() for int and double/real values. Same as @x:= @x + value, but much faster and cleaner to code. The names are built up of R(unning)-SUM-(Int|Double)
int rsumi(int col);
double rsumd(double col);
mysql> SELECT rsumi(int_col) FROM t1;
mysql> SELECT rsumd(double_col) FROM t1;
A 64 bit hash function for MySQL, implementing a FNV algorithm
int fnv(string str);
mysql> SELECT cast( fnv( str ) as unsigned ) from t1;
Unfortunately, the UDF API doesn't support unsigned int return values. If you don't like the cast approach above, just add a stored function on your own:
RETURN cast( fnv( str ) as unsigned );
All string functions operate on UTF8 strings.
Cuts a string if it's longer then a max value and appends "...". Words are not chopped as long as white spaces are present.
string cut(string str, int num[, string x='...']);
mysql> SELECT cut('This is the funny world of MySQL...', 15);
| cut('This is the funny world of MySQL...', 15) |
| This is the... |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
The old name of this function was makeurl but I renamed it to slug, because this seems to be the more official term for this one. The Wordpress Codex says this: A slug is a few words that describe a post or a page. Slugs are usually a URL friendly version of the post title [...], but a slug can be anything you like. Slugs are meant to be used with permalinks as they help describe what the content at the URL is.
string slug(string str[, char separator='_']);
mysql> SELECT slug('Max Müller Straße!', '-');
| slug('Max Müller Straße!') |
| max-mueller-strasse |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Generates a list of ngrams from a given string.
string ngram(string str[, int size=2]);
mysql> SELECT ngram('Lorem ipsum dolor');
| ngram('Lorem ipsum dolor') |
| _l lo or re em m_ _i ip ps su um m_ _d do ol lo or r_ |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
Round to the next multiple of a base.
int bround(int num, int base);
mysql> SELECT bround(13, 3);
| bround(13, 3) |
| 15 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Round to the next power of 10. This breaks down 10^ceil(log(n) / log(10))
int xround(int num);
mysql> SELECT xround(55);
| xround(55) |
| 100 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Limits a number to a specified lower min- and/or a upper max value. Not used min/max can be ignored with NULL
double bound(double num, double min, double max);
mysql> SELECT bound(12, 0, 4);
| bound(12, 0, 4) |
| 4.00000000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Calculates N over K
int noverk(int n, int k);
mysql> select noverk(49, 6);
| noverk(49, 6) |
| 13983816 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Check if a bit-flag is set in the number.
bool isbit(int mask, int n);
mysql> SELECT isbit(5, 2);
| isbit(5, 2) |
| 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Set a bit-flag at the position to 1 (or optionally 0).
int setbit(int mask, int n[, bool init=1]);
mysql> SELECT setbit(8, 4, 1);
| setbit(8, 4, 1) |
| 24 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Toggle/invert a bit-flag at the given position.
int invbit(int mask, int n);
mysql> SELECT invbit(8, 2);
| invbit(8, 2) |
| 12 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Rotate (=shift to the left and append shifted-out bits to the right) the bits within the number
int rotbit(int mask, int n);
mysql> select rotbit(13, 1);
| rotbit(13, 1) |
| 26 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Get a smaller integer from a bigger integer. See:
int getint(int mask, int x, int y);
mysql> SELECT GETINT(4283942, 4, 8);
| getint(4283942, 4, 8) |
| 2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Set a smaller integer into a bigger integer. See:
int setint(int mask, int x, int y, int m);
mysql> SELECT SETINT(4283942, 4, 8, 10);
| setint(4283942, 4, 8, 10) |
| 4284070 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
udf_infusion contains a set of unit tests to verify the correctness of the provided UDF functions. Running them after installation is optional.
Note: The testing framework requires all UDF functions to be enabled during installation.
First, it is recommended you set connection details (incl. password) in
, e.g.:
Alternatively, you can set options to be passed to the MySQL client
environment variable.
To prepare the testing environment (requires administrator rights in MySQL):
make test_prepare
This may take a while as sample data is generated and imported.
Database udf_infusion_test
is created and populated with generated data.
Run tests with:
make test
After completion, the temporary database can be dropped with test_clean
make test_clean
Copyright (c) 2015, Robert Eisele Licensed under GPL Version 2 license.