A very light JSON-parser written in native M. Input and output is controlled by callback-functions.
(c) 2000 Winfried Bantel
Published under MIT-License.
Absolutely no warranty!
Set a local variable with at least five values for callback-functions. Optional add mor content like JSON-text ore more.
The following callback-functions ar provided with the parser:
domcbskalar to build a DOM-tree
domcbstart to build a DOM-tree
domcbend to build a DOM-tree
getc which reads th input from the root-entry of the tree passed to the parser
ungetc analogous to getc
Example: s result=$$^JSONPARSER(.data)
1: An array which at least points to the five callback-functions, the array mst be passed by reference:
This array will in turn be passed to the callback-functions getc and ungetc and will be
visible in the callback-functions start, end and skalar.
Return-value: Zero if the syntax was correct or non-zero otherwise
This function is called when the parser finds a scalar value.
1: An array which gives information about the counting numbers in each level
2: Type of the scalar value (string, number and so on)
3: The value itself
Return-value: No return-Value
Recommendation: NEW all variables except the paramters and evtl. data (this is the data passed to the parser)
This function is called when the parser finds a new element.
1: An array which gives information about the counting numbers in each level
2: The name of the element if it is a JSON-property, otherwise not set
Return-value: No return-Value
Recommendation: NEW all variables except the paramters and evtl. data (this is the data passed to the parser)
This function is called when the parser finds the end of an element.
1: An array which gives information about the counting numbers in each level
2: The name of the element if it is a JSON-property, otherwise not set
Return-value: No return-Value
Recommendation: NEW all variables except the paramters and evtl. data (this is the data passed to the parser)
This function is called when the scanner needs the next character.
1: The array which was passed to the parser with all info
Return-value: The next char or an empty string if end-of-input was reached.
Recommendation: NEW all variables except the paramter
This function is called when the scanner needs push-back the last input.
1: The array which was passed to the parser with all info
Return-value: No return-Value
Recommendation: NEW all variables except the paramter
Reads JSON from local variable and writes streaming info.
Reads JSON from local variable and selects / writes specific value.
Reads JSON from local variable and build DOM-tree.
Reads JSON from stdin and writes streaming info.
Reads JSON from file and writes streaming info.
Due to file-operations this is the only example which contains YottaDB- / GT.M-specific code and therefore will not run in other M-Systems.
Reads JSON from multiline-global and writes streaming info.