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Privacy settings

Alexander Boldyrev edited this page Oct 25, 2024 · 2 revisions

Mobile Messaging SDK has several options to provide different levels of users privacy for your application. The settings are represented by PrivacySettings object and may be set up as follows:

await InfobipMobilemessaging.init(Configuration(
    applicationCode: ...,
    inAppChatEnabled: true,
    iosSettings: IOSSettings(
        notificationTypes: ['alert', 'badge', 'sound'],
        forceCleanup: false,
        logging: true),
    privacySettings: PrivacySettings(
        carrierInfoSendingDisabled: true,
        userDataPersistingDisabled: true,
        systemInfoSendingDisabled: true,
  • carrierInfoSendingDisabled: A boolean variable that indicates whether the MobileMessaging SDK will be sending the carrier information to the server. Default value is false.
  • systemInfoSendingDisabled: A boolean variable that indicates whether the MobileMessaging SDK will be sending the system information such as OS version, device model, application version to the server. Default value is false.
  • userDataPersistingDisabled: A boolean variable that indicates whether the MobileMessaging SDK will be persisting the User Data locally. Persisting user data locally gives you quick access to the data and eliminates a need to implement the persistent storage yourself. Default value is false.