Neovim plugin which makes coding difficult if you're a Twitch streamer.
Showing message from chatter inside the editor
Changing current colorscheme
Enabling Vim Motions Hell mode which inverts vim motions bindings
It's written in Rust (don't ask why) which is required for installation
Tested only on Linux (Ubuntu)
{ 'inferst/nvim-chaos', build = './' }
use { 'inferst/nvim-chaos', run = './' }
Plug 'inferst/nvim-chaos', { 'do': './' }
-- You need to setup plugin and set your twitch channel.
-- Other parameters are optional.
-- Duration for Colorscheme command is 5 min, form vim motions hell is 1 min.
local chaos = require 'nvim_chaos'
chaos.setup {
channel = 'your_twitch_channel', -- set your twitch channel here
commands = {
message = '!msg', -- name of message command
colorscheme = {
-- First argument is colorscheme name.
-- Second argument is background (dark, light).
name = '!colorscheme',
duration = 60 * 5,
hell = {
name = '!vimhell',
duration = 60,