A project that shows multiple youtube players that is natively(no Webview) implemented. Made, by a friend's idea, in Japan:p
- macOS 11.3(Big Sur)~
- Xcode 13~
- iPhone with iOS 13.0~
- Clone the project.
- Run
pod install
in command line at the root of the project path. - Replace the access key of YouTube Data API here by yours.
- Hit 'Run' button in Xcode.
- GoogleAPIClientForREST: to fetch Youtube video data
- RxSwift/RxCocoa: to bind data and UI
- R.swift: to manage resources
- Nuke: to handle image-related tasks
- XCDYouTubeKit: to transfer
fetched from GoogleAPIClientForREST to a AVPlayer-usable streaming URL
- show and play multiple(currently 2) YouTube videos on the same scene
- each video can be played/paused, seeked, display current playing time and duration
- a mute button for controlling each audio's on-and-off
- User can draw lines, by their finger, on the screen(inside the video area) while playing the video. Also, The line degree should be displayed somewhere and is calculated between start x,y and end x,y.
- user can seek video at a rate as low as 1 frame
- support dark-mode
- user can access to the watched-video history, and quickly replay it from there
- a sync button to control to play/pause, 1-frame fast forward, 1-frame rewind buttons for both players
- support to choose video from Photo Album
- video is played in auto-loop mode
- when in landscape mode, app should also support two video players side-by-side
- long-press 1-frame fast forward/rewind button can skip several frames as the time of pressing.
- support YouTube Live videos
- user can adjust the volume of each video separately
- support to play YouTube Unlisted videos through a URL provided by user
- localize for English and Japanese texts
- user can input a time value and video should be played from that point
- support both angles with horizontal and verticle(currently only horizontal)
- User can pick a color to draw lines on the screen. Also, the lines drawn by user before should be shown again once the same video is selected later.
- The app remembers the angle and the color of the lines. This is an app-based parameter, not a video based parameter.
- the playback rate can be set to 0.5x, 1.0x ~ 10.0x at a gap per 0.5x to play video as slow as 0.5x and as fast till 10.0x
- a seek-bar to control multiple videos at the same time
- each video can be played in slow-mode