No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
A feature request we don't think is appropriate for Rivet core, but might make a good add-on
The reported bug is in fact Rivet working as intended
A verified bug in Rivet's implementation
Pull requests that update a dependency file
An issue needing the attention of a visual designer
A feature request we'd like more information about before we accept or reject it
A duplicate of another bug or feature request
A feature request that could be included in a future release
A good issue for those looking to make their first contribution to Rivet
An issue we haven't forgotten about, but have been unable to prioritize; pull requests encouraged
A needed update or maintenance task for our internal development tools
A reported bug we need more information about to verify
We were unable to get more information from the submitter
We can't reproduce the bug
The requested feature falls outside the purpose of Rivet or isn't implementable in the near future
A question, which should be directed to Slack or the mailing list
An accepted feature request awaiting implementation
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