This is a collection of tools and scripts for working with pomodoro. I use this for my everyday work.
Clone this repo and create a pomodori and a html folder.
git clone ~/pomodoro
mkdir ~/pomodoro/pomodori; mkdir ~/pomodoro/html;
Thyme is a rubygem and a simple pomodoro timer.
gem install thyme
option :b, :break, 'start a break' do
set :timer, 5*60
option :c, :bigbreak, 'start a bigbreak' do
set :timer, 15*60
after do |seconds_left|
`notify-send -u critical -i /usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/status/dialog-warning.png "Thymes Up!"` if seconds_left == 0
Or, to send notifications under MacOS use the following inside the after
`osascript -e 'display notification "Thymes Up!" with title "Pomodoro"'` if seconds_left == 0
If you use TMUX as terminal multiplexer you can add a pomodoro status to your tmux status-line
set :tmux, true
set-option -g status-right '#(cat ~/.thyme-tmux)'
set-option -g status-interval 1
If you use tmux powerline you can add a new segment
# Prints the thyme
# Ensure your thyme-tmux-theme is set to:
# set :tmux_theme, "%s %s"
run_segment() {
if [ -f /home/${USER}/.thyme-tmux ]; then
echo -n "Pomodoro: "
CURRENT_TIME=$(cat ~/.thyme-tmux | awk '{print $2}')
CURRENT_CONV=$(date -d "1970-01-01 ${CURRENT_TIME}" +"%s")
if [ $CURRENT_CONV -le 14400 ]; then
echo "#[fg=red]$CURRENT_TIME#[fg=default]"
return 1
return 0
In your tmux-powerline theme
#"earthquake 3 0" \
# "pwd 89 211" \
"thyme 233 136" \
Pandoc is used to generate a HTML version of the daily Pomodoro files.
For OS X you can download pandoc or install it via brew install pandoc
Example alias with this repo under ~/pomodoro/
alias dailypomo='vi ~/pomodoro/pomodori/$(date +"%F").markdown -c "source ~/pomodoro/lib/vim-template"'
For displaying the yesterdays pomodori:
alias yesterpomo='view ~/pomodoro/pomodori/$(date -d " -1 days" +%F).markdown'
The alias loads a markdown template for planing your pomodori.
- I It took a whole pomodoro use for this
- i Some time of this pomodoro used
- x Disturbed while pomodoring
An example day:
# Planned 2014-03-14
* Fix bug 1337 in project gotham 1-3 # I think this bug will need 1-3 pomodori
* Write puppet module for fantasy 3-4
# Reality
* Fix Bug 1337 in project gotham II # Two full pomodori
* Cleaned kitchen Ii #One full pomodori and one partial
* Fix Bug 1338 in project gotham Ix # One Fill pomodori and one with disturbance
To convert the markdown to HTML I use pandoc
pandoc --self-contained -o /tmp/file.html -c ./css/pandoc.css -c ./css/github2.css
To convert your daily pomodoris to HTML you can use following commands:
google-chrome ./html/index.html