Weclome to the Inclined Coding Session VSLAD (Very Simple Loan Admin Dashboard). The first step is to get VSLAD running locally and familiarize yourself with the code before your session. The demo app (and our regular codebase) runs on a pretty vanilla Typescript, NextJS, Tailwind, Node, GraphQL, Prisma, Postgres stack - but every stack has its choices and idiosyncrasies. If something isn't clear or if you have trouble setting up your environment, please reach out!
The current dashboard just displays a list of loans along with a few simple details for each loan. At the start of your coding session you'll be given a prompt to make modications to the code base, adding bits of functionality to the front and back end. During the session you'll be using your IDE of choice, working on your local environment, while screen sharing over Zoom. An engineer will guide you through that process and be available for any clarifications or to answer any questions during your session.
Why Albion? Albion is the Roman Empire's name for Great Britain. Our main code repository is called Caledonia, which is the Roman Empire's name for Scotland. Why Caledonia? It's the main street in Sausalito where we have our small home office (just across the Golden Gate Bridge from SF).
You'll need some basics if you don't have them already:
- Install Brew: https://brew.sh
- Install Node:
brew install node
- Install global packages:
npm run install-global-packages
(install globally because lastest Apollo version was conflicting w/ GraphQL codegen, an unfortunate temporary workaround) - Install npm dependencies:
npm install
(this will also run code generation)
Run: npm run dev
View your Very Simple Loan Admin Dashoard home page. You should see this:
Below is an overview of parts of the directory structure to help you navigate the code. There is some generated GraphQL code (in __generated__
directories) for both the client and server. We use two different GraphQL code generators, one for client-side hooks and one server-side resolvers.
+-- /__generated__ Client-side generated GraphQL types (enums, etc.)
+-- /database Simple in-memory data storage
+-- /components Shared UI components
+-- /gql-api Client-side GraphQL code
| /__generated__ Generated client resolver and mutator signatures
| get-loans.ts
| update-loan.ts
+-- /graphql Server-side GraphQL code
| /__generated__ Genereted server types
| resovlers.ts Resolver implementations
| typedefs.ts
+-- /pages Standard NextJS structure
| /api
| graphql.ts
| ...
+-- /styles
+-- /tailwind