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List matching counters

Jon Watte edited this page Sep 24, 2012 · 1 revision

Home - HTTP Interface - List matching counters




  • q - A pattern to match, possibly containing url-encoded wildcard characters:

    • %3F: ? = matches any subfield (fields are separated by dots .).
    • %2A: * = matches any substring.


This resource is used to find counter names that match a pattern. This can be used to construct a tree view of counters, or to look for specific groups of counters.


  • Status code: 200
  • A list of all names that matched is returned in the response body.

Response body:

    // A list of all names that match the pattern given.
    "matching_names": [
            // true if this is a full counter name,
            // false if this is only a partial counter name.
            "is_leaf": boolean,

            // If this is a counter, then the full name of that counter.
            // If not a counter, then some portion of the prefix of a counter. 
            "name": string, 
        // ... the rest of the matches
    // The pattern used to find the "matching_names" above. 
    "pattern": string
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