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BuildNLearn Community

Getting Started

Install git locally to clone the project, alternatively you can download directly from above without installing git.

To clone via git use below command from your command prompt:

git clone

Change into the directory you downloaded:

cd Build2Learn

Create virtual environment

py -m venv build2learn-env

Run the below command, as some windows user face running scripts

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process

Activate the virtual environment


Install requirement.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the project

flask run

API Available for Chennai Covid-19 Cases, that can be consumed from below end points

Chennai Covid-19 Zone-wise Timeseries(Updated Everyday)

Chennai Street-Wise Report(Everyday or based on the updates from Chennai Corporation)

For News API to work, get api key from

If you are willing to contribute, we would love it!

Thanks to Covid19 India for APIs

Thank you :)