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Sprint 4 minutes and docs

Matthew Faigan edited this page Apr 15, 2022 · 12 revisions

Meeting 12, March 25

Meeting Date/Time: Friday March 25, 12:15 pm

Meeting Purpose:

  • Breakdown the tasks to do for Sprint 4
  • Matthew to show a Demo Of Unit Testing and Continious Integration

Note Taker: Zi Hao Tan

Items to discuss

  • Assign tasks to members for Sprint 4

Work and Progress

Who Item Notes
Imran Ahmed Will work on User story 3 and 4. Will start and finalize both user story by next week
Julian Aloise N/A N/A
Michael Djabauri Will work on User story 5 Will add a order history for users.
Matthew Faigan Will continue working on unit testing for remaining user stories Showed a demo of unit testing for user story 1 and user story 2
Sabari Krishna Orakkan N/A N/A
Siming Shen N/A N/A
Zi Hao Tan Will work on acceptance testing of additional user stories Will add the acceptance testing on the wiki

Meeting 13, March 30

Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday March 30, 10:00 pm

Meeting Purpose:

  • an Update/Follow up on the coding tasks given for members to do for Sprint 4

Note Taker: Imran Ahmed

Items to discuss

  • Seeing if there are any issues/troubles with the coding tasks for each memebers

Work and Progress

Who Item Notes
Imran Ahmed Completed coding implementation of user story 3 and user story 4 Will start working on group report and presentation
Julian Aloise N/A N/A
Michael Djabauri Started working on the managing profile of users and order history. Also worked on making code cleaner Fixed some bugs of previous features.
Matthew Faigan Decided the tool to use for static analysis for bugs for the project and will write the code for it Work in progress
Sabari Krishna Orakkan N/A N/A
Siming Shen N/A N/A
Zi Hao Tan Will take care of cleaning up the Github repository Work in progress

Meeting 14, April 1

Meeting Date/Time: Friday April 1, 10:30 pm

Meeting Purpose:

  • Discussed about final report and presentation

Note Taker: Zi Hao Tan

Items to discuss

  • Discussed if recording or live presentation will be done
  • Planning on breaking down the task for group report

Work and Progress

Who Item Notes
Imran Ahmed Will work on story points of each iteration in the group report Work in progress
Julian Aloise N/A N/A
Michael Djabauri Will work on Project Summary, Infrastructure section Will start working on it by next week
Matthew Faigan Will work on testing and integration part of the report, will also work on the static analysis. Also will work on the architecture of the website Has started making research on the static analysis tool that will be used for this project
Sabari Krishna Orakkan N/A N/A
Siming Shen N/A N/A
Zi Hao Tan Will work on acceptance testing part of the group report. Will start working on it by the following weeks

Meeting 15, April 8

Meeting Date/Time: Friday April 8, 10:00 pm

Meeting Purpose:

  • Revisit the rubric
  • Finalizing all requirements for Sprint 4
  • Work on Project presentation and recording
  • Work on Group report

Note Taker: Zi Hao Tan

Items to discuss

  • Assign project presentation topics
  • Final check on sprint 4 rubric and requirements
  • Start working on the group report
  • How recordings will be done

Work and Progress

Who Item Notes
Imran Ahmed Will present a user story 2 for the presentation. Will be responsible of editing the presentation video. Finalized the story point section in group report Set deadlines for every members to submit recordings of their part and finalize PowerPoint content
Julian Aloise N/A N/A
Michael Djabauri Will present the purpose and the front-end framework, Also has worked on the group report Work in progress.
Matthew Faigan Will present the architecture and the back-end framework Stared working on the architecture using
Sabari Krishna Orakkan N/A N/A
Siming Shen N/A N/A
Zi Hao Tan Will present learned lessons and summary/conclusion. Will also finalize the powerpoint presentation and add any necessary designs to it Work in progress.

Acceptance testing for all user stories

User story#1 - As a customer, I want to be able to create an account and/or log in into an existing account because I want to be able to shop for products.

Positive case

  1. The customer clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. The customer enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. The customer clicks on their desired category.
  5. A list of available products related to the clicked category and their description is shown.

Negative case

  1. The customer clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. The customer enters incorrect information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. An error message is displayed.

User story#2 - As a seller, I want to be able to create an account and/or log in into an existing account because I want to add/edit/modify a product.

Positive case 1

  1. The seller clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. Seller enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. ‘My Products’ button appears.
  5. The seller clicks on ‘My Products’ button.
  6. The list of products of the seller appears with their buttons ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’.
  7. The seller clicks ‘Add Product’ button.
  8. Add product form appears.
  9. Seller enters correct information and clicks ‘Add Product’ button.
  10. The list of products of the seller updates. It contains the new added product with ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’ button.
  11. The list of products for users to browse updates with the new added product of the seller and its information.

Positive case 2

  1. The seller clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. Seller enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. ‘My Products’ button appears.
  5. The seller clicks on ‘My Products’ button.
  6. The list of products of the seller appears with their buttons ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’.
  7. The seller clicks ‘Delete’ button of one product.
  8. The list of products of the seller updates. It contains one less product.
  9. The list of products for users to browse updates by having one less product available for customers.

Positive case 3

  1. The seller clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. Seller enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. ‘My Products’ button appears.
  5. The seller clicks on ‘My Products’ button.
  6. The list of products of the seller appears with their buttons ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’.
  7. The seller clicks ‘Modify’ button.
  8. Modify form appears.
  9. Seller enters correct information and clicks ‘Modify’ button.
  10. The list of products of the seller updates. It contains the modified version of the product.
  11. The list of products for users to browse updates by having the modified version of the product.

Negative case 1

  1. The seller clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. Seller enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. ‘My Products’ button appears.
  5. The seller clicks on ‘My Products’ button.
  6. The list of products of the seller appears with their buttons ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’.
  7. The seller clicks ‘Add Product’ button.
  8. Add product form appears.
  9. Seller enters correct information and clicks ‘Add Product’ button.
  10. The list of products of the seller does not update. It does not contain the new added product with ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’ button.
  11. The list of products for users to browse does not update with the new added product of the seller and its information.

Negative case 2

  1. The seller clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. Seller enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. ‘My Products’ button appears.
  5. The seller clicks on ‘My Products’ button.
  6. The list of products of the seller appears with their buttons ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’.
  7. The seller clicks ‘Delete’ button of one product.
  8. The list of products of the seller remains the same and does not update.
  9. The list of available products for customers to browse does not update with the deleted product of the seller.

Negative case 3

  1. The seller clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. Seller enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. ‘My Products’ button appears.
  5. The seller clicks on ‘My Products’ button.
  6. The list of products of the seller appears with their buttons ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’.
  7. The seller clicks ‘Modify’ button.
  8. Modify form appears.
  9. Seller enters correct information and clicks ‘Modify’ button.
  10. The list of products of the seller does not update. It does not contain the modified version of the product.
  11. The list of products for users to browse does not update by having the modified version of the product.

User story#3 - As an administrator, I want to be able to add/delete/modify an account because I want to be able to maintain the website.

Positive case 1

  1. The administrator clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. Administrator enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. ‘Manage profiles’ button appears.
  5. The administrator clicks ‘Manage profiles’ button.
  6. The list of profiles of the website appears with their button ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’.
  7. The administrator clicks ‘Add user’ button.
  8. Add user form appears.
  9. Administrator enters correct information and clicks ‘Add user’ button.
  10. The list of profiles of the website updates. It contains the new added user with ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’ button.

Positive case 2

  1. The administrator clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. Administrator enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. ‘Manage profiles’ button appears.
  5. The administrator clicks ‘Manage profiles’ button.
  6. The list of profiles of the website appears with their button ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’.
  7. The administrator clicks ‘Delete’ button of one of the users.
  8. The list of profiles of the website updates with one less user.

Positive case 3

  1. The administrator clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. Administrator enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. ‘Manage profiles’ button appears.
  5. The administrator clicks ‘Manage profiles’ button.
  6. The list of profiles of the website appears with their button ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’.
  7. The administrator clicks ‘Modify’ button of one of the users.
  8. Modify user form appears.
  9. Administrator enters correct information and clicks ‘Modify user’ button.
  10. The list of profiles of the website updates. It contains the modified information of the user.

Negative case 1

  1. The administrator clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. Administrator enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. ‘Manage profiles’ button appears.
  5. The administrator clicks ‘Manage profiles’ button.
  6. The list of profiles of the website appears with their button ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’.
  7. The administrator clicks ‘Add user’ button.
  8. Add user form appears.
  9. Administrator enters correct information and clicks ‘Add user’ button.
  10. The list of profiles of the website does not update. It does not contain the new added with ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’ button.

Negative case 2

  1. The administrator clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. Administrator enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. ‘Manage profiles’ button appears.
  5. The administrator clicks ‘Manage profiles’ button.
  6. The list of profiles of the website appears with their button ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’.
  7. The administrator clicks ‘Delete’ button of one of the users.
  8. The list of profiles of the website does not updated with one less user.

Negative case 3

  1. The administrator clicks ‘Login’ button.
  2. Login form appears.
  3. Administrator enters correct information and clicks ‘Login’ button.
  4. ‘Manage profiles’ button appears.
  5. The administrator clicks ‘Manage profiles’ button.
  6. The list of profiles of the website appears with their button ‘Delete’ and ‘Modify’.
  7. The administrator clicks ‘Modify’ button of one of the users.
  8. Modify user form appears.
  9. Administrator enters correct information and clicks ‘Modify user’ button.
  10. The list of profiles of the website does not update. It does not contain the modified information of the user.

User story#4 - As a customer, I want to be able to to filter the products by their categories and/or prices because I want to be able to browse for a specific product.

Positive case

  1. The customer clicks ‘Filter’ button.
  2. Filter form appears.
  3. The customers enters valid filtering information and clicks ‘Filter’ button.
  4. The list of available products is filtered matching the information entered previously.

Negative case

  1. The customer clicks ‘Filter’ button.
  2. Filter form appears.
  3. The customers enters invalid filtering information and clicks ‘Filter’ button.
  4. An error message is displayed.

User story #5 - As a customer or seller, I want to be able to manage my profile because I would like to update certain credentials if needed.

Positive case 1

  1. The customer or the seller clicks the ‘Manage my profile’.
  2. The list of information of the customer or the seller appears with buttons ’Edit’ and ‘Change password’.
  3. The customer or the seller inputs new email.
  4. The customer or the seller clicks on ‘Edit’ button.
  5. The new email or new username is saved in the database.
  6. The customer or the seller clicks ‘Logout’ button.
  7. The customer or the seller clicks ‘Login’ button.
  8. Login form appears.
  9. The customer or the seller inputs new email and unchanged password.
  10. The customer or the seller logins successfully.

Positive case 2

  1. The customer or the seller clicks the ‘Manage my profile’.
  2. The list of information of the customer or the seller appears with buttons ’Edit’ and ‘Change password’.
  3. The customer or the seller clicks on ‘Change password’ button.
  4. The customer or the seller inputs new password.
  5. The customer or the seller clicks on ‘Change password’ button.
  6. The new password is saved in the database.
  7. The customer or the seller clicks ‘Logout’ button.
  8. The customer or the seller clicks ‘Login’ button.
  9. Login form appears.
  10. The customer or the seller inputs new password with unchanged email.
  11. The customer or the seller logins successfully.

Negative case 1

  1. The customer or the seller clicks the ‘Manage my profile’.
  2. The list of information of the customer or the seller appears with buttons ’Edit’ and ‘Change password’.
  3. The customer or the seller inputs new email.
  4. The customer or the seller clicks on ‘Edit’ button.
  5. The new email is not saved in the database.
  6. The customer or the seller clicks ‘Logout’ button.
  7. The customer or the seller clicks ‘Login’ button.
  8. Login form appears.
  9. The customer or the seller inputs new email and unchanged password.
  10. The customer or the seller cannot login.

Negative case 2

  1. The customer or the seller clicks the ‘Manage my profile’.
  2. The list of information of the customer or the seller appears with buttons ’Edit’ and ‘Change password’.
  3. The customer or the seller clicks on ‘Change password’ button.
  4. The customer or the seller inputs new password.
  5. The customer or the seller clicks on ‘Change password’ button.
  6. The new password is not saved in the database.
  7. The customer or the seller clicks ‘Logout’ button.
  8. The customer or the seller clicks ‘Login’ button.
  9. Login form appears.
  10. The customer or the seller inputs new password with unchanged email.
  11. The customer or the seller cannot login.

Screenshot of successful test run


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