Solidity smart-contracts for impactMarket protocol
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Contract | Purpose | Address |
/airgrab/MerkleDistributor.sol |
Merkle Distributor for the initial token airgrab | 0xd2b20e06C19e7b7E7E385b0F1386Cdde8C6dCd2B |
/community/CommunityImplementation.sol |
A UBI community that is funded by Impact Labs which beneficiaries claim from | 0xEc94c60f17F7f262973f032965534D1137f1202c |
/community/CommunityMiddleProxy.sol |
CommunityMiddleProxy | 0xe8037e4ceEd80EC6D02f482a5A35E0011245FCDC |
/community/CommunityAdminProxy.sol |
Proxy contract that orchestrates creation of new Communities | 0xd61c407c3A00dFD8C355973f7a14c55ebaFDf6F9 |
/governance/ImpactProxyAdmin.sol |
Contract that is in charge of all the proxies | 0xFC641CE792c242EACcD545B7bee2028f187f61EC |
/governance/PACTDelegator.sol |
Proxy contract that manages creation, execution, cancellation of proposals | 0x8f8BB984e652Cb8D0aa7C9D6712Ec2020EB1BAb4 |
/governance/PACTTimelock.sol |
Timelock that marshalls the execution of governance proposals | 0xca3171A5FCda4D840Aa375E907b7A1162aDA9379 |
/token/DonationMinerProxy.sol |
Proxy vesting contract for non-airgrab distribution of tokens | 0x1C51657af2ceBA3D5492bA0c5A17E562F7ba6593 |
/token/ImpactLabsProxy.sol |
Vesting contract for ImpactLabs distribution of tokens | 0x767DA1d208DDA5bc517dcd4ba2A83591D68A5535 |
/token/PACTToken.sol |
The Impact Markets cERC-20 token contract | 0x46c9757C5497c5B1f2eb73aE79b6B67D119B0B58 |
/token/TreasuryProxy.sol |
Contract that manages the funds | 0xa302dd52a4a85e6778E6A64A0E5EB0e8C76463d6 |
/token/TreasuryLPSwapProxy.sol |
Contract that manages the funds | 0xb062e54eBe08d3f720Fc2798f5D6B282df7753ED |
/staking/StakingProxy.sol |
Contract that manages the staking | 0x1751e740379FC08b7f0eF6d49183fc0931Bd8179 |
/governor/impactMarketCouncil/ImpactMarketCouncilProxy.sol |
ImpactMarketCouncilProxy | 0xF2CA11DA5c3668DD48774f3Ce8ac09aFDc24aF3E |
/ambassadors/AmbassadorsProxy.sol |
AmbassadorsProxy | 0x25f58d8C2522dC7E0C53cF8163C837De2415Ba51 |
/airdropV2/AirdropV2Proxy.sol |
AirdropV2Proxy | 0x482E748D452e6ECD86D58E597B673C5E653dAbe9 |
/learnAndEarn/LearnAndEarnProxy.sol |
LearnAndEarnProxy | 0x496F7De1420ad52659e257C7Aa3f79a995274dbc |
/deposit/DepositProxy.sol |
DepositProxy | 0xF9163f95DF91ad103659cb7C8936Aceb63c7E410 |
/microcredit/ImpactMultiSigProxyAdmin.sol |
Contract that is admin for some proxies | 0x5e7912f6C052D4D7ec8D6a14330c0c3a538e3f2B |
/microcredit/MicrocreditRevenueProxy.sol |
Contract that receive all interest from the microcredit contract | 0xa75D14c212df85F24ead896747cb1688C1F889D7 |
/microcredit/MicrocreditProxy.sol |
Proxy for the microcredit pilot | 0xEa4D67c757a6f50974E7fd7B5b1cc7e7910b80Bb |