A place to implement and keep the knowledge and implementations of design patterns to be used in our projects
The purpose of this project is to start learn process of how to setup a and code typescripts project and pratice some of the most commum design patterns.
The project was separated in two main folders, out/ and src/.
The out/ foulder contains the builded javascript structure of the project and the src/ the portion of the code where we type.
Both contain folders who cathalog paterns in Behavioral, Creational and Stcucutal.
Is not the intention of this project to write all patterns only most comum ones with the purpose of training.
its recomended to implement frst the ones with the most stars
separate the pattenrs in creational, structural and behavioral folders and implement examples with texatual feedbacks of they use in action
This projetc was first build with npx version 6.14.12 so keep in mind previews and newer versions shoud work with little deviations.
So with this conditions met, just get in the projects folders and type the code bellow to keep traking alterations when developing something.
npm run watch
To build teh project but not keep track of any fyrther alterations just type.
npm run build
To "see" the results of any pattern just run the comand
node ./out/category_name/pattern_name;