MeshPy is a general purpose 3D beam finite element input generator written in python
It contains advanced geometry creation and manipulation functions to create complex beam geometries, including a consistent handling of finite rotations.
It can be used to create input files for the following finite element solvers (adaption to other solvers is easily possibly):
- 4C (academic finite element solver)
- Abaqus (commercial software package)
- AceFEM (Finite element package for automation of the finite element method in Mathematica)
MeshPy is developed at the Institute for Mathematics and Computer-Based Simulation (IMCS) at the Universität der Bundeswehr München.
- Examples
- How to use MeshPy?
- How to cite MeshPy?
- Work that uses MeshPy
- Installation
- Contributing
- Contributors
Honeycomb structure under tension (simulated with 4C)
Fiber reinforced composite plate (simulated with 4C)
Fiber reinforced pipe under pressure (simulated with 4C)
Fiber reinforcements of a twisted plate (simulated with 4C)
MeshPy provides example notebooks to showcase its core features and functionality.
The examples can be found in the examples/
They can be run locally or directly tested from your browser via the following links:
You can also interactively test the entire MeshPy framework directly from your browser here
Whenever you use or mention MeshPy in some sort of scientific document/publication/presentation, please cite MeshPy as
Steinbrecher, I., Popp, A.: MeshPy - A general purpose 3D beam finite element input generator,
This can be done with the following BiBTeX entry:
author = {Steinbrecher, I. and Popp, A.},
howpublished = {\url{}},
title = {{M}esh{P}y -- {A} general purpose {3D} beam finite element input generator},
year = {2021},
key = {MeshPyWebsite},
url = {},
Feel free to leave a ⭐️ on GitHub.
- Firmbach, M., Steinbrecher, I., Popp, A., Mayr, M.: An approximate block factorization preconditioner for mixed-dimensional beam-solid interaction. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 431, 117256 (2024).
- Hagmeyer, N., Mayr, M., Popp, A.: A fully coupled regularized mortar-type finite element approach for embedding one-dimensional fibers into three-dimensional fluid flow. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 125, e7435 (2024).
- Steinbrecher, I., Popp, A., Meier, C.: Consistent coupling of positions and rotations for embedding 1D Cosserat beams into 3D solid volumes. Computational Mechanics. 69, 701–732 (2022).
- Hagmeyer, N., Mayr, M., Steinbrecher, I., Popp, A.: One-way coupled fluid-beam interaction: Capturing the effect of embedded slender bodies on global fluid flow and vice versa. Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences. 9, 9 (2022).
- Steinbrecher, I., Mayr, M., Grill, M.J., Kremheller, J., Meier, C., Popp, A.: A mortar-type finite element approach for embedding 1D beams into 3D solid volumes. Computational Mechanics. 66, 1377–1398 (2020).
- Hagmeyer, N.: A computational framework for balloon angioplasty and stented arteries based on mixed-dimensional modeling,, (2023)
- Steinbrecher, I.: Mixed-dimensional finite element formulations for beam-to-solid interaction,, (2022)
MeshPy is tested with and supports python versions 3.9-3.12
Other versions of Python might lead to issues.
It is recommended to use a python environment container such as conda
or venv
: A conda environment can be created and loaded with# Create the environment (this only has to be done once) conda create -n meshpy python=3.12 # Activate the environment conda activate meshpy
: A virtual environment can be setup with- On Debian systems the following packages might have to be installed:
sudo apt-get install python3-venv python3-dev
- Create and load the environment
# Create the environment (this only has to be done once) python -m venv <path-to-env-folder>/meshpy-env # Activate the environment source <path-to-env-folder>/meshpy-env/bin/activate
- On Debian systems the following packages might have to be installed:
From now on we assume that the previously created environment is loaded.
To install meshpy
go to the repository root directory
cd <path_to_meshpy>
Install meshpy
via pip
pip install .
If you intend to actively develop meshpy
, install it in editable mode and with all dependencies required for developing MeshPy.
pip install -e ".[CI-CD]"
If cython
code is changed, it has to be recompiled. This can be done by running (in the root directory)
python build_ext --inplace
To check if everything worked as expected, run the standard tests with
Further tests can be added with the following flags: --4C
, --ArborX
, --CubitPy
, --performance-tests
These can be arbitrarily combined, for example
pytest --CubitPy --performance-tests
executes the standard tests, the CubitPy tests and the performance tests. Note: the reference time values for the performance tests might not suite your system.
We can also run tests in combination with 4C
# 4C Tests require a path to a 4C executable
export MESHPY_FOUR_C_EXE=<path_to_4C>
pytest --4C
Finally, the base tests can be deactivated with --exclude-standard-tests
For example to just run the CubitPy tests execute
pytest --CubitPy --exclude-standard-tests
Optional dependency on ArborX
MeshPy can optionally execute its geometric search functions using the C++ library ArborX.
First make sure the pybind11
submodule is loaded
cd <path_to_meshpy>
git submodule update --init
To setup meshpy with ArborX, cmake
and Kokkos are available on your system (the preferred variant is via Spack).
Create a build directory
mkdir -p <path_to_meshpy>/src/build/geometric_search
Configure cmake and build the extension
cd <path_to_meshpy>/build/geometric_search
cmake ../../meshpy/geometric_search/src/
make -j4
If the ArborX extension is working correctly can be checked by running the geometric search tests
pytest --ArborX
If you are interested in contributing to MeshPy, we welcome your collaboration. For general questions, feature request and bug reports please open an issue.
If you contribute actual code, fork the repository and make the changes in a feature branch.
Depending on the topic and amount of changes you also might want to open an issue.
To merge your changes into the MeshPy repository, create a pull request to the main
A few things to keep in mind:
- It is highly encouraged to add tests covering the functionality of your changes, see the test suite in
. - To maintain high code quality, MeshPy uses a number of different pre-commit hooks to check committed code. Make sure to set up the pre-commit hooks before committing your changes (run in the repository root folder):
pre-commit install
- Check that you did not break anything by running the MeshPy tests.
For most changes it should be sufficient to run the standard test suite (run in the repository root folder):
- Feel free to add yourself to the contributors section in the file.
Ivo Steinbrecher (@isteinbrecher)
- Dao Viet Anh
- Max Firmbach (@maxfirmbach)
- Martin Frank (@knarfnitram)
- Nora Hagmeyer (@NoraHagmeyer)
- Matthias Mayr (@mayrmt)
- Gabriela Loera (@eulovi)
- David Rudlstorfer (@davidrudlstorfer)