Laravel failsafe custom logging library
- Log to multiple destinations
- Log to Console (STDOUT)
- Log to File
- Log to MySQL
- Log to Redis
- Log to syslog (Local/Remote)
- Log to Graylog (TCP/UDP)
- (Optional) Failsafe (Don't throw any exceptions in case logger fails)
- (Optional) Replace Laravel log (Laravel <= 5.5)
- (Optional) Register as Laravel logger channel (Laravel >= 5.6)
composer require imtigger/laravel-custom-log
On Laravel 5.4 and below, add the ServiceProvider to your config/app.php
Publish Config
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Imtigger\\LaravelCustomLog\\LaravelCustomLogServiceProvider" --tag=config
Publish MySQL Migration (Optional, for Log to MySQL)
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Imtigger\\LaravelCustomLog\\LaravelCustomLogServiceProvider" --tag=migration
Add config into .env
, you may enable multiple destinations
- CUSTOM_LOG_CONSOLE_ENABLE (true|false, default=false)
- CUSTOM_LOG_FILE_ENABLE (true|false, default=true)
- CUSTOM_LOG_MYSQL_ENABLE (true|false, default=false)
- DB_LOG_CONNECTION (connection defined in database.php, default=mysql)
- DB_LOG_TABLE (default=logs)
- CUSTOM_LOG_REDIS_ENABLE (true|false, default=false)
- REDIS_LOG_CONNECTION (connection defined in cache.php, default=default)
- CUSTOM_LOG_SYSLOG_ENABLE (true|false, default=false)
- CUSTOM_LOG_SYSLOG_PORT (default=514)
- CUSTOM_LOG_GELF_ENABLE (true|false, default=false)
- CUSTOM_LOG_GELF_PORT (default=12201)
CustomLog::emergency($channel, $message, $context)
CustomLog::alert($channel, $message, $context)
CustomLog::critical($channel, $message, $context)
CustomLog::error($channel, $message, $context)
CustomLog::warning($channel, $message, $context)
CustomLog::notice($channel, $message, $context)
CustomLog::info($channel, $message, $context)
CustomLog::debug($channel, $message, $context)
CustomLog::log($level, $channel, $message, $context)
Edit your bootstrap/app.php
, add this before returning the application
$app->configureMonologUsing(function ($monolog) {
Edit your config/logging.php
, add this to the channels
'customlog' => [
'driver' => 'custom',
'via' => Imtigger\LaravelCustomLog\CustomLog::class,