This is my submition for the "Software Engineering Intern" role at torre. The project was developed using React.js and Vite and can be accesed on:
- Search people on torre by name and access their genome profile
- Search with debounce
- Favorites list (add and remove functionality)
- Search history (with the latest 10 terms)
I decided to implement a "debounce" functionality in order to reduce unnecessary API calls, instead of calling the API for each keystroke, there's a small delay after the user stops typing so the API is just called once there is enough relevant information inputted by the user.
"If you had more time, what additional improvements would you have considered?"
If I had more time I would have been able to persist some relevant information like the favorites and search history so it didn't reset after re-entering the application. Also, it isn't that relevant to have those functionalities without relating them to a specific user, so I would have created an authentication functionality so each user can have different favorites and search history.
I wanted to create my custom genome page view but due to time constraints I was only able to link to the one from torre.
There is also a lot of data that wasn't necessary for a project like this, but it would be really interesting to get some insights relevant to each user based on that information and correlate it with different job offers.